[Solved] Delete query to delete data from multiple tables in sql server and c#

Like this? It seems easiest just to do it as three separate statements. DELETE FROM Products WHERE SubCatId IN (SELECT SubCatID FROM SubCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId); DELETE FROM SubCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId; DELETE FROM MainCategory WHERE MainCatId = @mainCatId; 8 solved Delete query to delete data from multiple tables in sql server and … Read more

[Solved] Generalized way to remove empty row given by aggregate functions in SQLite

You are overcomplicating things with the use of the aggregate function MAX(). This part of your code: EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT MAX(TourCompletionDateTime) AS TourCompletionDateTime FROM Details WHERE TourCompletionDateTime < ‘2022-07-26T09:36:00.730589Z’ ) WHERE TourCompletionDateTime IS NOT NULL ) is equivalent to just: EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Details WHERE TourCompletionDateTime < ‘2022-07-26T09:36:00.730589Z’ ) … Read more

[Solved] Mysql Query [0001]

You have to count only owners id with DISTINCT word, which counts only unique owners. SELECT owners.city, count(DISTINCT owners.id) AS ‘Owners’ FROM owners INNER JOIN dogs ON (owners.id = dogs.owner_id) GROUP BY owners.city 1 solved Mysql Query [0001]

[Solved] connecting to sql database in java [closed]

Problem is in your odbc connection goto ControlPanel->AdministrativeTools->DataSource(ODBC)->System DSN->ADD->SqlServer-> then in the name field give the Source Name. you have to use this name instead of testdb in your DriverManager.getConnection method. Because getConnectionMethod take the source name not the database name. so your code is not working. However after filling the source name fill the … Read more

[Solved] Break down long multi day periods of time into several single day periods

The method I have used here is a Tally Table to create extra rows. I JOIN onto the tally table where the number of hours / 24 (integer maths is useful) is greater than the tally number, and then can use that to calculate the hours. WITH YourTable AS( SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,CONVERT(date,’2018/01/24′,111),4 ), (2,CONVERT(date,’2018/03/21′,111),40), … Read more

[Solved] How do i join 3 tables in mysql? [closed]

The solution is to join on the common fields you already indentified: SELECT item_details.* FROM item_details JOIN item_detail_addon USING(Item_Details_Id) JOIN item_addon USING(Item_Addon_Id) If some fields on a table have the same name of a field on another table, you can get both by using aliases: SELECT table1.field1 as table1_field1 , table2.field1 as table2_field1 [ .. … Read more

[Solved] SQL query for display one field only once which having multiple record

Using CASE Condition and Row_number we can achieve the above Output It’s Purely based on your sample Data DECLARE @Table1 TABLE (projName varchar(1), percentage int) ; INSERT INTO @Table1 (projName, percentage) VALUES (‘A’, 10), (‘A’, 25), (‘B’, 20), (‘B’, 30) ; Select CASE WHEN RN = 1 THEN projName ELSE NULL END projName, percentage from … Read more

[Solved] Combine each column from 2 different table into one table

Select t2.account_number,t2.proposedaddress, t1.currentaddress From table2 t2 left outer join table1 t1 on (t1.account_number=t2.account_number and Upper(Trim(t1.currentaddress)) like Upper(Trim(t2.proposedaddress))) 5 solved Combine each column from 2 different table into one table

[Solved] MS SQL Query for Opening Stock calculation

Thanks to all, i have worked out with my same query, although seed was slow. query is mentioned below:- select Item, Location,[Transaction Date],Price,Qty, Price_change , (select isnull(sum(qty),0) from #temp c where c.item=p.item and c.Location=p.Location and c.[Transaction Date] < p.[Transaction Date]) [Opening Stock] from #temp p solved MS SQL Query for Opening Stock calculation

[Solved] Create different result set using one result set [closed]

To use a resultset in a query condition for a set of queries you need a cursor. Please check out basics of cursor usage here and in the docs DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE group_results_by_date BEGIN DECLARE v_finished INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cdate DATE DEFAULT “2015-01-01”; — declare cursor for getting list of dates DEClARE date_cursor … Read more