[Solved] Dataframe with string columns – each column need to split into multiple at word “and” – R [closed]

Here is what worked for me – using inputs from above and various other threads on SO. I am a complete newbie to R and my objective is to migrate work from excel to R. # returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace trim <- function (x) gsub(“^\\s+|\\s+$”, “”, x) #——————————————————————————– # OBJECTIVE – migrate … Read more

[Solved] Python get info from long complicated string

You can use re module for the task: style=”fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill-opacity: 1; font-family: ProjectStocksFont; font-size: 70px; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none;” import re print( re.search(r’font-size:\s*(\d+)’, style)[1] ) Prints: 70 3 solved Python get info from long complicated string

[Solved] c# string manipulation add * for plain word

some how I achieved it in lengthy way …Not sure if any shortcut is there to achieve… var keywords_updated = (keywords.Replace(” “, “* “)); keywords_updated = keywords_updated.EndsWith(““) ? keywords_updated : keywords_updated + ““; MatchCollection col = Regex.Matches(keywords, “\\”(.?)\\””);//Regex.Matches(keywords, “(?<=\”)[^\”](?=\”)|[^\” ]+”); var data = col.Cast().Select(m => m.Value).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(data.Count); foreach (var item in data) { keywords_updated = … Read more

[Solved] sql aggregate and split [closed]

This uses STRING_AGG to aggregate the strings into one long one, and then a Tally Table to split into the new rows. It is assumed you have a column to order by. if you do not, you cannot achieve what you are after without one as data in a table is stored in an unordered … Read more

[Solved] Split string by n when n is random

I figured it out. string = ‘123456789’ splitted = [] prev = 0 while True: n = random.randint(1,3) splitted.append(string[prev:prev+n]) prev = prev + n if prev >= len(string)-1: break print splitted 0 solved Split string by n when n is random

[Solved] Split string by n when n is random

This article will discuss how to split a string by a random number. Splitting a string is a common task in programming, and it can be done in many different ways. However, when the number used to split the string is random, it can be a bit more challenging. This article will provide an overview … Read more