[Solved] The event handler to select

DEMO HTML: <select id=”cd-dropdown” class=”cd-select”> <option value=”-1″ selected>Choose an animal</option> <option value=”1″ class=”icon-monkey”>Monkey</option> <option value=”2″ class=”icon-bear”>Bear</option> <option value=”3″ class=”icon-squirrel”>Squirrel</option> <option value=”4″ class=”icon-elephant”>Elephant</option> </select> <div id=”div1″ class=”animalDiv”>MONKEY</div> <div id=”div2″ class=”animalDiv”>BEAR</div> <div id=”div3″ class=”animalDiv”>SQUIRREL</div> <div id=”div4″ class=”animalDiv”>ELEPHANT</div> CSS: .animalDiv { display:none; } JS/jQuery: $(function() { $(‘#cd-dropdown’).dropdown({ gutter: 5, stack: false, delay: 100, slidingIn: 100, onOptionSelect: function(e) { … Read more

[Solved] SELECT from table with three foregin keys to one table [closed]

Okay, it’s Saturday night and I’m feeling mellow enough to tackle this without a data model. You have given us the names of the three lookup tables (subjects, opinions, users) but not the actual structures and columns. So I’m making some guesses. select subjects.name as subject_name , opinions.value , o_users.name as opinion_guy , p_users.name as … Read more

[Solved] jQuery Adding new option to select element doesn’t pick up the string [closed]

Change: var str = $(‘#country-select’).val() + ” ” + $(“#” + $(“#country-select option:selected”).val() + “-select option:selected”).val(); to: var str = $(‘#country-select, .sub-menu’).val() + ” ” + $(“#” + $(“#country-select option:selected”).val() + “-select option:selected”).val(); jFiddle example You need to trigger the change on both the first and second selects, so $(‘#country-select, .sub-menu’) is needed. solved jQuery … Read more

[Solved] MySQL Query issue with select [closed]

Another approach to “join” two tables: SELECT proposal.proposalID, client.name FROM client, proposal WHERE proposal.clientID = client.id; Warning: I didn’t test this. In order to understand what’s going on, I suggest you learn more about SQL Joins. Some links to get you started: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Join_%28SQL%29 https://www.google.com/search?q=sql+join 2 solved MySQL Query issue with select [closed]

[Solved] how to select from this table and add average value and then sort [duplicate]

select * from <your query> order by PERC wich : select * from ( select no, STUD_ID,CLASS,LESSON, AVG(PERC) as PERC,SUM(CNT) as CNT from t_lesson where LESSON=’CHEM’ group by CLASS union all select no,STUD_ID,CLASS,’AVERAGE’ as LESSON, AVG(PERC) as PERC, SUM(CNT) as CNT from t_lesson where LESSON=’CHEM’ group by LESSON ) as sub order by PERC DESC … Read more

[Solved] Change Coordinates directely in the graphe [closed]

Take a look at Oracle’s tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/advanced/user.html They describe how to recognize clicks within the Graphics2D. They also show how to move a single shape. You have to advance this approach a little bit in order to support multiple elements. 1 solved Change Coordinates directely in the graphe [closed]

[Solved] Extract information from html page using css selector

You can use the following Nodes = document.querySelectorAll(“.bloco-dados li”) Data = [] // new array for (I = 0; I < Nodes.length; I++) { DataName = Nodes[I].firstChild.innerText // <b> tag is the first child node of <li> tag DataName = DataName.substr(0, DataName.length – 1) // Remove last character (the colon) DataValue = Nodes[I].lastChild.innerText // <span> … Read more


Looks like the query is actually pulling 3 results as it should. You are just letting one of them go: function adminnav (){ $pagewcoms = mysql_query(…); // HERE YOU FETCH ONE ROW BUT DO NOTHING WITH IT $idnavrow = mysql_fetch_row($pagewcoms); while ($itest = mysql_fetch_row($pagewcoms)) { echo “$itest[0] <br />”; } } If you just remove … Read more


for get the first 100 records for a table we use the limit clause. See the following Example. Question: Get the first 100 persons that his name is starting for John Answer: Select * from pearson where name like ‘John%’ limit 100 solved SQL Query SELECT RECORDS

[Solved] as3 randomly picking names

visit this link to find your solution. or try this code var originalArray:Array = new Array(‘Bob’, ‘George’, ‘Tom’, ‘Mohammed’, ‘Adam’, ‘Moses’, ‘Aaron’, ‘David’); var shuffledArray:Array = originalArray.sort(shuffle); trace(shuffledArray); private function shuffle(originalArray,shuffledArray):int { var sortNum : int = Math.round(Math.random() * 2) – 1; return sortNum; } 9 solved as3 randomly picking names

[Solved] Get desired value of selectbox through jquery

Problem with script is that you are not handling radio buttons and dropdown while extracting values for posting to server. JS var form_data = { agent_name: $(‘#agent_name’).val(), number: $(‘#number’).val(), number_from: $(‘#number_from’).val(), number_to: $(‘#number_to’).val(), quantity: $(‘#quantity’).val(), amount: $(‘#amount’).val(), date: $(‘#date’).val(), commision: $(‘#commision’).val(), profit: $(‘#profit’).val(), agent_amount: $(‘#agent_amount’).val(), user_id: $(‘#user_id’).val(), type: $(“#abc_type_”+$(“input[name=select_type]:checked”).val()).val() }; Just replace your form_data with … Read more

[Solved] Select OnChange

HTML: <span id=”mybadge” class=”badge badge-primary”>$10</span> <select id=”myselect”> <option value=”$10″>$10 Item</option> <option value=”$20″>$20 Item</option> </select> Javascript: $(‘#myselect’).change(function(){ $(‘#mybadge’).text($(this).val()); }); Working jsFiddle ->> http://jsfiddle.net/sUBWd/5/ 0 solved Select OnChange