[Solved] How to split a Number to Natural Numerals in Ruby [closed]

Here’s one way: def natural_numerals(value) results = [] (1..value-1).each {|i| (i..value-1).each {|j| results << (i..j).to_a.join(“+”) if (i+j)*(j-i+1)/2 == value}} if results.empty? then nil else results end end output1 = natural_numerals(15) output2 = natural_numerals(4) puts output1.inspect #=> [“1+2+3+4+5”, “4+5+6”, “7+8”] puts output2.inspect #=> nil solved How to split a Number to Natural Numerals in Ruby [closed]

[Solved] What is wrong with my if statement ‘if x + y = z’

As @Pavan said in the comment, your conditional might be wrong. It should be == instead of =. = is the assignment. if @weight.nominal + x == required … end Here what happens “behind the scene” with your original code: required is assigned to x. Add x to @weight.nominal (@weight.nominal + x) Evaluate the result … Read more

[Solved] How can I find the prime numbers between 1 to the given number, only by using the loop(ie. without any short cuts) in “Ruby”? [duplicate]

This does feel a lot like a school project/task rather than anything meaningful. There are libraries built into Ruby that you can use for high performance Prime calculations puts “Enter the maximum number of the range in which to find the prime numbers: ” last = gets.chomp.to_i prime = [2] all_numbers = (2..last).to_a print “We … Read more

[Solved] how to retrieve JSON object from the JSON array in ruby

require ‘json’ JSON.parse(input)[‘result’].map do |h| [h[‘instanceName’], h[‘status’]] end.to_h #⇒ { # “920_ENT_6017” => “RUNNING”, # “920_JAS_8082” => “RUNNING”, # “AIS_0005” => “RUNNING”, # “DEN00KNL_DEP_920” => “RUNNING”, # “ENT6547” => “STOPPED”, # “HTML_8792” => “RUNNING”, # “RTE_0004” => “RUNNING”, # “ent4563” => “STOPPED”, # “ent6021” => “RUNNING”, # “ent6060_Win” => “RUNNING”, # “ent6327” => “STOPPED”, # … Read more

[Solved] Resolve Fixnum error [closed]

You are calling the employee_id method on authorization_selectedwhich is a String and does not provide this method. Obviously this does not work. You probably want to do @portability = Portability.new @portability.employee_id = authorization_selected assuming that params[:employee] contains the employee_id and Portability is an ActiveModel or an ActiveRecord. Perhaps you can change your form that the … Read more

[Solved] Write regular expressions [closed]

I would suggest something like this: /\) (?!.*\))(\S+)/ rubular demo Or if you don’t want to have capture groups, but potentially slower: /(?<=\) )(?!.*\))\S+/ rubular demo (?!.*\)) is a negative lookahead. If what’s inside matches, then the whole match will fail. So, if .*\) matches, then the match fails, in other terms, it prevents a … Read more

[Solved] How to get classes interact with one another

Let’s say you have person.rb: Class Person ……. end and you have dog.rb: class Dog …….. end If you want to access to Dog class inside Person you have to include it. That means your dog.rb would be: require ‘dog’ class Person def my_method dog = Dog.new() end end require ‘name_of_file_with_class’ This is just a … Read more

[Solved] Error while using ruby cucumber and calabash? [closed]

The error Permission Denial: starting instrumentation Component means that you don’t have the right debug key. If you have the keystore and it was working before then check that the keystore hasn’t been updated. If you don’t have the keystore you can resign the app with your own. calabash-android resign app.apk From – https://github.com/calabash/calabash-android/wiki/Running-Calabash-Android The … Read more

[Solved] I have a array of hash in which I have user name and price and I wants to retrieve uniq order [closed]

a = [{“user”=>”a1”, “drink”=>”d1”, “price”=>”60”}, {“user”=>”a2”, “drink”=>”d2”, “price”=>”30”}, {“user”=>”a3”, “drink”=>”d3”, “price”=>”30”}, {“user”=>”a2”, “drink”=>”d4”, “price”=>”40”}] b = [] a.each_with_object({}) do |x| count = b.find {|y| y[“user”] == x[“user”] } if count.nil? b << x else count[“price”] = count[“price”].to_i + x[“price”].to_i count[“price”] = count[“price”].to_s end end puts b 1 solved I have a array of hash in … Read more

[Solved] Change the version of ruby [closed]

If you’re using Rbenv : https://makandracards.com/makandra/21545-rbenv-how-to-switch-to-another-ruby-version-temporarily-per-project-or-globally If you’re using RVM : https://rvm.io/rubies/default If you’re not using any of these: you should be using one of these. solved Change the version of ruby [closed]

[Solved] Convert character ‘A’ to ‘B’ if I add 1 [closed]

Furthering Sergio’s answer, you can isolate the letter-ordinals and use modulo. class String def plus n case self when (‘a’..’z’) (((ord – 97 + n) % 26) + 97).chr #ord means self.ord when (‘A’..’Z’) (((ord – 65 + n) % 26) + 65).chr else raise “single-letters only” end end end ‘a’.plus 2 #=> ‘c’ ‘z’.plus … Read more