[Solved] How to extract integer after “=” sign using ruby

I’d do something like this: string = <<EOT var i=0; var recharge=[]; var recharge_text=[]; var recharge_String=””; var mrp=””; var talktime=””; var validity=””; var mode=””;mrp=’1100′; talktime=”1200.00″; validity=’NA’; mode=”E-Recharge”; if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== ‘function’) { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^ +| +$/g, ”); } } mrp=mrp.trim(); if(isNaN(mrp)) { recharge_text.push({MRP:mrp, Talktime:talktime, Validity:validity ,Mode:mode}); } else { mrp=parseInt(mrp); recharge.push({MRP:mrp, … Read more

[Solved] result of passing a symbol to method [closed]

Symbol#empty is basically defined as self.to_s.empty? (with self being the symbol). So to answer your question why :””.empty? is true: It is because :””.to_s (the empty string) is empty. To adress your comment: :any_symbol.empty? is false, because :any_symbol.to_s.empty? is false. It’s the same thing. Maybe empty? is not the method you are looking for. Maybe … Read more

[Solved] Rails: Find record by created_at beginning_of_week

Because created_at is a DateTime object which includes both a Date and Time value, then your Message.find_by(created_at: Date.today.beginning_of_week) # Message Load (6.2ms) SELECT “messages”.* FROM “messages” WHERE “messages”.”created_at” = $1 LIMIT $2 [[“created_at”, “2018-01-29”], [“LIMIT”, 1]] … will try to find a record at exactly 2018-01-29 00:00:00 which is a Message record that is exactly … Read more

[Solved] Why learn Ruby on Rails [closed]

You are mixing some stuff: Ruby on Rails is a framework to create server side web applications using the Ruby language jQuery is a client side JavaScript library that simplifies writing JavaScript web clients Node.js is a server for the execution of server side JavaScript, thus providing a server version of JavaScript PHP is a … Read more

[Solved] Implementing Ruby on website [closed]

There’s a lot of content on google about deploying and developing a Ruby On Rails website, I would recommend searching Ruby docs, youtube and google. Here are a few resources that may answer your question: Setting up Ruby On Rails Database Ruby on Rails Deploy Rails – Deplying to DigitalOcean Writing web applications with Ruby … Read more

[Solved] Upgrading ruby 1.8.6 to ruby 1.9.2

In Ruby a lot of us face these types of situations, where upgrading to a newer version could potentially break your code which used to work fine in an older one. The fantastic Mr. Wayne E. Seguin faced it too, and created a great tool for solving this called rvm. In a nutshell rvm lets … Read more

[Solved] Missing config.ru when using rackup [closed]

You need to add a file called config.ru to your root/ directory. config.ru is the configuration file for rackup, and controls what rackup will actually run. Look at section 2.3 for an explanation: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_on_rack.html To use rackup instead of Rails’ rails server, you can put the following inside config.ru of your Rails application’s root directory: … Read more

[Solved] Cant reach to the next form ‘RoR 3+’

Try changing this new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student) to new_student_student_previous_datum_path(student_id: @student.id) if it still throws the error, paste me the complete routing error. UPDATE: the error is in the view this url for the form currently is This one is generating the error of the :action : “show” change it for new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student) <%= bootstrap_form_for(@student_previous_data, :url => new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student), html: { … Read more

[Solved] Redirect folder to subdomain

the solution depends on how your hosting provider implements multi-subdomain mapping. Some offer a control panel so that you can register your subdomains and point each to a separate subdirectory in your file space. Some will just map *.yourdomain.zzz to the document root for yourdomain.zzz, and from your description, this is what is happening for … Read more

[Solved] Rails: Form fields & Loops

Rails has a built in mechanism for handling nested forms. Lets say you have: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :brands accepts_nested_attributes_for :brands end class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :company end class CompaniesController < ApplicationController def new @company = Company.new @company.brands.new # seeds the form with a new record for brands end def edit @company = … Read more

[Solved] Adding delimiter for best_in_place gem [closed]

You’ll need to use number_with_precision in your model’s get_invoice_amount_with_precision method. In order to make this accessible, you will need to include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper in your model: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper def get_invoice_amount_with_precision number_with_precision(invoice_amount, :precision => 2, :delimiter => ‘,’) end end 2 solved Adding delimiter for best_in_place gem [closed]