[Solved] Redirect folder to subdomain

the solution depends on how your hosting provider implements multi-subdomain mapping. Some offer a control panel so that you can register your subdomains and point each to a separate subdirectory in your file space. Some will just map *.yourdomain.zzz to the document root for yourdomain.zzz, and from your description, this is what is happening for you. In this case you need to decode the HTTP_HOST variable and route on that. But you also need to stop your rewrite rule looping so that sub1.yourdomain.zzz doesn’t get mapped to yourDocRoot/sub1/sub1/sub1…`

If you wanted to process sub1 and sub2 subdomains, then you would do this with a rule in you top level like this:

RewriteBase  /
RewriteCond  %{ENV:REDIRECT_INSUB} !=1
RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST}          (sub1|sub2)\.yourdomain\.zzz
ReweriteRule ^(.*)                 %1/$1         [L,E=INSUB:1]

Search for [.htaccess] HTTP_HOST to see lots of variants of this.


solved Redirect folder to subdomain