[Solved] Why learn Ruby on Rails [closed]

You are mixing some stuff:

  • Ruby on Rails is a framework to create server side web applications using the Ruby language

  • jQuery is a client side JavaScript library that simplifies writing JavaScript web clients

  • Node.js is a server for the execution of server side JavaScript, thus providing a server version of JavaScript

  • PHP is a language popular for server side web application development

Thus: Ruby on Rails is a mature framework which offers a template engine, MVC architecture, a mapper between language objects and some relational database and a routing facility between URIs and controller.
Similiar designed frameworks exist for many programming languages / environments, e.g. Django for Python, or see Rails-inspired PHP frameworks in case of PHP.

About its popularity, see e.g. http://hotframeworks.com/

Benefits: IMHO it is a very elegant framework and as the plethora of inspired frameworks shows, has found many developers who like it.
The concepts and techniques learned here might also turn out to be useful when working with other modern frameworks.

And I should note as well, that there are web applications that need less features, e.g. see the Sinatra framework for a lighter alternative.

solved Why learn Ruby on Rails [closed]