[Solved] Format a string containing Phone numbers

This will take care of 0‘s in between the phone numbers phone=”08763843478,+918763843478,08763843478,+918763843478,+918763840008″ phone.split(‘,’).map{|num| num.gsub(/^\+91|^0/, ”)}.join(‘,’) #=> “8763843478,8763843478,8763843478,8763843478,8763840008” 0 solved Format a string containing Phone numbers

[Solved] What are the best option for a pager when building on Rails? [closed]

You can copy kaminari’s views into your app/views and edit _paginator partial. For example, change this: == paginator.render do nav.pagination = first_page_tag unless current_page.first? – each_page do |page| – if page.left_outer? || page.right_outer? || page.inside_window? == page_tag page – elsif !page.was_truncated? == gap_tag = last_page_tag unless current_page.last? to that: == paginator.render do nav.pagination = prev_page_tag … Read more

[Solved] What is # on Ruby on Rails?

@name represents an array of single object of Quest model. To get the id of that object, use <p><%= @name.first.id %></p> or change your controller code to @name = Quest.where(category: ‘cat1’).sample and then do <p><%= @name.id %></p> solved What is # on Ruby on Rails?

[Solved] Remove the extra and not allowed characters from the ruby line

Here is my try as what I could understand from your question (Let me go through with your each sentences). Your string: s = “ggSuQNs6TxOTuQDd0j+4sA==$QO/Mq2jwfe3jgsGGoIGmlg==” Step-1 I need to transform it to “ggSuQNs6TxOTuQDd0j4sAQOMq2jwfe3jgsGGoIGmlg” (Only letters and numbers). only characters and digits: > transform_string = s.tr(‘^A-Za-z0-9’, ”) #=> “ggSuQNs6TxOTuQDd0j4sAQOMq2jwfe3jgsGGoIGmlg” Step -2 Then trim it to 13 … Read more

[Solved] ruby on rails psychometric app [closed]

Create the custom form and when the user hits the submit server-side you do the calculate and write your logic there. UserController < ActiveRecord::Base ….. def psychometric_assessment #Define routes to call this method ****YOUR LOGIC***** end ….. end 4 solved ruby on rails psychometric app [closed]

[Solved] ruby how to sort this Hash of Arrays [closed]

What is looks like is that you actually have a hash containing some Arrays. Cleaning it up I assume it should look something like this: hash = {:time_frame=>”Today”, :locations=>[“Tampa”, “Atlanta”, “California”, “Georgia”, “South Lake Union”], :local_totals=>[10000.0, 30,000, 70000, 50000, :expenses=>[2000, 10000, 4000, 6000]} Assuming that is correct, you can do something like this to solve … Read more

[Solved] Ruby on Rails UJS

It looks to me like the relevant code to the question is this: #dynamicLoadingPanel = render ‘schedules/named_players’ And that somewhere (not in code shown), and update is posted to Availabilities#create, and what is returned is a fresh version of schedules/named_players and dynamically insert that into the page within #dynamicLoadingPanel. Here’s my take: # _schedules/available_players.html.haml #dynamicLoadingPanel … Read more