[Solved] How to know what r,g,b values to use for get other colours to paint a JFrame dynamically?

Your current approach is indeed not easily generalizable. The hard-coded parts of the buttons for “blue” and “green”, and especially the special methods like blueToGreen make it impossible to extend the number of colors with reasonable effort. (You don’t want to create methods blueToYellow, blueToRed, blueToTheThirdColorFromThisListForWhichIDontKnowAName …). There are many possible ways of generalizing this. … Read more

[Solved] Set background color to value of range input [closed]

What you want to do is add an onchange part to your inputs to handle when the user changes the values of your input sliders. This is what it would look like: <input id=”red” name=”red” type=”range” min=”0″ max=”255″ step=”1″ value=”128″ onchange=”changeColor()”></input> <label for=”red”>red</label> <br> <input id=”green” name=”green” type=”range” min=”0″ max=”255″ step=”1″ value=”128″ onchange=”changeColor()”></input> <label for=”green”>green</label> … Read more

[Solved] Change color in RGB images

I have to agree with Majid Shirazi regarding the proposed solution by Quang Hong. Let’s have a look at: idx = np.where(img == (0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) Then, idx is a 3-tuple containing each a ndarray for all x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and “channel”-coordinates. From NumPy’s indexing, I can’t see a possibility to properly access/manipulate the values in … Read more