[Solved] Removing Code by using rereplace

Scott is right, and Leigh was right before, when you asked a similar question, jSoup is your best option. As to a regex solution. This is possible with regex but there are problems that regex cannot always solve. For instance, if the first or second table contains a nested table, this regex would trip. (Note … Read more

[Solved] OUTPUT Alone 1 key from the array

If you have small arrays, It is not a problem to run the algorithm with complexity O(n2). But for me better is less clear, but faster algorithm with complexity equals to O(2n) $array = array( array( ‘id’ => 12, ‘_from’ => 1, ‘_to’ => 2 ), array( ‘id’ => 13, ‘_from’ => 4, ‘_to’ => … Read more

[Solved] Regex for this date format?

Split the task into 3 parts. First, a number in the range of 1-31 (tutorial), then a list of possible values for the month, and then two numbers. \b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d{2})\b Regex101 Demo 3 solved Regex for this date format?

[Solved] How to Split text by Numbers and Group of words

you can try splitting using this regex ([\d,]+|[a-zA-Z]+ *[a-zA-Z]*) //note the spacing between + and *. [0-9,]+ // will search for one or more digits and commas [a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z] // will search for a word, followed by a space(if any) followed by another word(if any). String regEx = “[0-9,]+|[a-zA-Z]+ *[a-zA-Z]*”; you use them like this … Read more

[Solved] Extract part of log file

To get everything between two pattern you can use this sed command: sed -n ‘/.* id:.*/,/.* uid:.*/p’ log.txt And you’ll get — Request — some content …. — Response — …. where -n suppresses automatic printing of pattern space p prints the current pattern space 1 solved Extract part of log file

[Solved] No match for Java Regular Expression

Your content contains no ” quotes, and no text gm, so why would you expect that regex to match? FYI: Syntaxes like “foo”gm or /foo/gm are something other languages do for regex literals. Java doesn’t do that. The g flag is implied by the fact that you’re using a find() loop, and m is the … Read more

[Solved] sed, awk, perl or lex: find strings by prefix+regex, ignoring rest of input [closed]

If you won’t have more than one of the pattern on a single line, I’d probably use sed: sed -n -e ‘s%.*https://\([-.0-9A-Za-z]\{1,\}\.[A-Za-z]\{2,\}\).*%\1%p’ Given the data file: Nothing here Before https://example.com after https://example.com and after Before you get to https://www.example.com And double your https://example.com for fun and happiness https://www.example.com in triplicate https://a.bb and nothing here The … Read more