[Solved] Regex replace `a.b` to `a. b`? [duplicate]

You can use the following ([abAB])\.([abAB]) >>> import re >>> s = [‘a.b’, ‘A.b’, ‘a.B’, ‘A.B’] >>> [re.sub(r'([abAB])\.([abAB])’, r’\1. \2′, i) for i in s] [‘a. b’, ‘A. b’, ‘a. B’, ‘A. B’] The issue with your approach is that you are not saving capturing groups to use in the result of the substitution. If … Read more

[Solved] regex to find variables surrounded by % in a string

I believe you are looking for a regex pattern (?<!%%)(?<=%)\w+(?=%)(?!%%) That would find variables that are surrounded by a single % character on each side. Test the regex here. Java code: final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(“(?<!%%)(?<=%)\\w+(?=%)(?!%%)”); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); while (matcher.find()) { System.out.println(matcher.group(0)); } Test the Java code here. UPDATE: If you want … Read more

[Solved] Regexp in express get request

You don’t need a regex for this, you can use URL parameters. app.get(‘/foo/bar/:slug’, function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.params.slug); next(); } ); Requesting /foo/bar/myImage.jpg would populate req.params.slug with ‘myImage.jpg’. 2 solved Regexp in express get request

[Solved] javascript – Break search query string into object

You may want to take a look at this: addEventListener(‘load’, function(){ var wtf=”arg1:”2 words” business corporate arg2:val2 arg3:”fixedIt””; function customObj(string){ var a = string.split(/\s+(?!\w+”)/), x = [], o = {}; for(var i=0,s,k,l=a.length; i<l; i++){ s = a[i].split(/:/); k = s[0]; s[1] ? o[k] = s[1].replace(/”/g, ”) : x.push(k); } o[‘extra’] = x.join(‘ ‘); return o; … Read more

[Solved] c# should i use string with regex matchs or not

use: string sample = “1a2b3c4d”; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(sample, @”\d”); List<string> matchesList = new List<string>(); foreach (Match match in matches) matchesList.Add(match.Value); matchesList.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); or use LINQ: List<string> matchesList2 = new List<string>(); matchesList2.AddRange( from Match match in matches select match.Value ); matchesList2.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); 6 solved c# should i use string with regex matchs or not

[Solved] Regex for Username and Password verification

You need to anchor your pattern and use lookahead to validate those cases. if(preg_match(‘/^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9@:.]+$/’, $username)) { … } (?= … ) is a zero-width assertion which does not consume any characters on the string. Therefore, It only matches a position in the string. The point of zero-width is the validation to see if a regular … Read more

[Solved] Python 3.x AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘groupdict’

Regular expression functions in Python return None when the regular expression does not match the given string. So in your case, match is None, so calling match.groupdict() is trying to call a method on nothing. You should check for match first, and then you also don’t need to catch any exception when accessing groupdict(): match … Read more

[Solved] how to remove all text before a pattern? [duplicate]

To solve this problem you can use a positive lookahead ‘.*(?=START)’, as follows: # load environment library(stringr) # create text vector text = c(‘hello guys this is it START hi’, ‘one two START this is good’, ‘a longer example. I cannot believe it! START hello’) # remove pattern text = str_remove(text, ‘.*(?=START)’) # print output … Read more

[Solved] Password RegExpression [closed]

^(?=.*[A-Z]{1,})(?=.*[a-z]{1,})(?=.*[0-9]{1,})(?=.*[!@#\$%\^&\*()_\+\-={}\[\]\\:;”‘<>,./]{1,}).{4,}$ should do it. Explaination: ^ start (?=.*[A-Z]{1,}) at least one upper (?=.*[a-z]{1,}) at least one lower (?=.*[0-9]{1,}) at least one digit (?=.*[!@#\$%\^&\*()_\+\-={}\[\]\\:;”‘<>,./]{1,}) at least one of the mentioned chars .{4,} min length 4 $ end solved Password RegExpression [closed]

[Solved] javascript regex to validate the input

You can try ^(?!0\*0)(?:\d+\*\d+,?)+$. ^ and $ ensure that the entire string matches. (?!0\*0) is a negative look ahead to check that the string is not 0*0. (?: and ) indicates that the contents are a non-capturing group \d+ matches one or more digits (0–9) \* matches a literal * character \d+ matches one or … Read more