[Solved] Is this regex pattern wrong? [closed]

I guess it is wrong in your sense. I suspect you’re looking for this. String pattern = “(\\D*)(\\d+)(.*)”; Maybe you want to check reluctant quantifiers too. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/quant.html 13 solved Is this regex pattern wrong? [closed]

[Solved] Java Regular expression for money

Currency amount US & EU (cents optional) Can use US-style 123,456.78 notation and European-style 123.456,78 notation. Optional thousands separators; optional two-digit fraction Match; JGsoft: ^[+-]?[0-9]{1,3}(?:[0-9]*(?:[.,][0-9]{2})?|(?:,[0-9]{3})*(?:\.[0-9]{2})?|(?:\.[0-9]{3})*(?:,[0-9]{2})?)$ Reference: here 2 solved Java Regular expression for money

[Solved] How to remove query string from “href” attribute of anchor using php?

Use /\?[^\”]+/ like bellow: <?php $string = ‘<a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/title/tt3110958/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2″ style=”color:#666″ >’; $result = preg_replace(“/\?[^\”]+/”, “”, $string); echo $result; ?> Output : <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/title/tt3110958/” style=”color:#666″ > 0 solved How to remove query string from “href” attribute of anchor using php?

[Solved] i want to search for “MAN-xxxx-xxxxx” in a text file using regular expression.Can anyone help me this? [closed]

please find below working code import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String line = “This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK? This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK? This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK? This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK?This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK? This cat MAN-1243-23445 placed OK?”; String pattern = “(MAN-\\d{4}-\\d{5})”; … Read more

[Solved] (?:\d[ -]*?){13,16} – confused with the priority that is given in matching the pattern to the given regex [duplicate]

It captures 13-16 digits, each followed by zero or more spaces or dashes (the [ -]*?). In other words, the {13,16} applies to the entire group (?:\d[ -]*?). So, it could capture, for example, 1–2-3–4-5-6 7—–8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-. In your sample case, it captures these 16 chunks: 4 5 6 4- 1 2 3 4- 4 3 … Read more

[Solved] What is the regex ?

Something like that? re = new RegExp(/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/); “21/02/2017”.match(re) /* [“21/02/2018”, index: 0, input: “21/02/2018”] */ “21/2/2017”.match(re) /* null */ solved What is the regex ?

[Solved] Set a maximum length, requirement for space and minimum characters

You can do that using the following regex: /^(?!.{36,})[a-z’-]{2,}\s[a-z’-]{2,}/gmi See this in action at Regex101 Explanation This matches strings that suit the following criteria: ^(?!.{36,}) It is not 36 characters or longer [a-z’-]{2,} Starts with a word containing only “a” – “z”, “‘” and “-“ \s followed by a whitespace [a-z’-]{2,} followed by a word … Read more

[Solved] How to extract a field from this payload with a regex? [duplicate]

Edit: The data you provided is a JSON string. You can convert it to a dictionary using the json package: import json payload = u'{“encrypted_sender_transaction_id”:”514658451″,…}’ obj = json.loads(payload) print obj[‘donation_info’][‘amount’] # 1 obj is a nested dictionary in this case, amount is a key in the subdictionary under the key donation_info 2 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] regex for splitting a string while ignoring the brackets [duplicate]

You can use the below regex to achieve your requirement: [ ](?=[^\)]*?(?:\(|$)) Explanation of the above regex: [ ] – Represents a space character. (?=[^\)]*?(?:\(|$)) – Represents a positive look-ahead asserting everything inside of (). (?:) – Represents a non-capturing group. | – Represents alternation. $ – Represents the end of the test String. You … Read more