[Solved] Replace Exact String in Java

You can use: String result = “http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”.replaceFirst(“time\\.jsp”, “java.jsp”); Or using the good friend ApacheCommon StringUtils… String result = StringUtils.replaceOnce(“http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”, “time.jsp”, “java.jsp”); For example, you can do: public static void main(String[] args) { String result = “http://sdsadasd/time/time.jsp?tp=&a”.replaceFirst(“time\\.jsp”, “java.jsp”); System.out.println(result); } // Print: http://sdsadasd/time/java.jsp?tp=&a 4 solved Replace Exact String in Java

[Solved] Email Regex for Javascript Which not start with Number [closed]

Here is the code which searches for the number at the start. If number is matched it prints message in console. let regex = /^[0-9]/; let object = [{email:’[email protected]’},{email:’[email protected]’}]; for(let i =0;i<object.length;i++){ if(object[i].email.match(regex)){ console.log(‘E-mail ‘,object[i].email,’ is not valid.’) } } This is the used regex: ^[0-9] solved Email Regex for Javascript Which not start with … Read more

[Solved] How to extract string using RE in python?

seems like a crazy question but why not >>> myval=”ObjectId(“5a60a394ac73c233ba1acc55″)” >>> myval.split(“(“)[1] ‘”5a60a394ac73c233ba1acc55”)’ >>> myval.split(“(“)[1].split(“)”)[0] ‘”5a60a394ac73c233ba1acc55″‘ >>> import re >>> re.findall(‘[a-zA-z0-9]’, myval.split(“(“)[1].split(“)”)[0]) [‘5’, ‘a’, ‘6’, ‘0’, ‘a’, ‘3’, ‘9’, ‘4’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘7’, ‘3’, ‘c’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘3’, ‘b’, ‘a’, ‘1’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘5’, ‘5’] >>> “”.join(re.findall(‘[a-zA-z0-9]’, myval.split(“(“)[1].split(“)”)[0])) ‘5a60a394ac73c233ba1acc55’ solved How to extract string … Read more

[Solved] How to split and replace comma and parenthesis?

String valueData = “{\”x\”:10,\”y\”:10,\”z\”:10}.”; valueData = valueData.replace(“.”, “”); valueData = valueData.replace(“{“, “”); valueData = valueData.replace(“}”, “”); valueData = valueData.replace(“\””, “”); System.out.println(valueData); 4 solved How to split and replace comma and parenthesis?

[Solved] Regex to match integers, decimals and fractions [duplicate]

Give this one a shot: (\d+[\/\d. ]*|\d) http://regex101.com/r/oO9yI9 In the future, I’d suggest making your question more clear so we can actually understand what you’re trying to do — provide inputs, expected outputs, and include the programming language you’re using. vb.net is PCRE compliant, so you should be able to use this: Dim regex As … Read more

[Solved] Regular expression to search for files and folders [closed]

Here shows you how to use regex in C#. You could always just loop the directory that you’re looking in and check the file names instead of making a regex. (You’ll need to use System.IO) Perhaps something like this? string [] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory); Regex regex = new Regex(“target file name”); Match match = regex.Match(string.Join(” … Read more

[Solved] Regex for decimal number [closed]

You can use this regex ^(?=\d)(?!0(?![.]))(?:\d{0,3})(?:[.]\d{1,3})?$ Regex Demo Regex Breakdown ^ #Start of string (?=\d) #Lookahead to ensure there is a dot or number (?!0(?![.])) #Negative lookahead to ensure there is no 0 in starting followed by . (?:\d{0,3}) #Match at most three digits before decimal (?:[.]\d{1,3})? #Match at most three digits after decimal. If … Read more