[Solved] Extracting using a string pattern in Regex- Python

Use (.*)(?:Bangalore) pattern >>> line = (“Kathick Kumar, Bangalore who was a great person and lived from 29thMarch 1980 – 21 Dec 2014”) >>> import re >>> regex = re.compile(‘(.*)(?:Bangalore)’) >>> result = regex.search(line) >>> print(result.group(0)) Kathick Kumar, Bangalore >>> 1 solved Extracting using a string pattern in Regex- Python

[Solved] How to match numbers between X and Y with regexp?

According to Generate a Regular Expression to Match an Arbitrary Numeric Range, and after generating such a regex for your example at Regex_For_Range: \b0*(1[1-9][0-9]|[2-9][0-9]{2}|1[0-9]{3}|2[01][0-9]{2}|22[0-2][0-9]|223[0-4])\b would do the trick. The process would be (still following that Regex generator): First, break into equal length ranges: 110 – 999 1000 – 2234 Second, break into ranges that yield … Read more

[Solved] RegExp multipart phrase

You should be able to use the following : match \\abc{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)} replace by \1 : \2 You can try it here. [^}]* matches every character but }, it is used to match the content of the brackets without risk of overflowing. Aside from that we escape the \ to match its literal character, group the … Read more

[Solved] Calculate number of Updation, Insertion and Deletion on a One String to reach Another String [closed]

What you described is known as Levenshtein distance. There is library called Apache commons-text that you can use to do it for you. int ops = new LevenshteinDistance().apply(string1, string2) Here is source code 3 solved Calculate number of Updation, Insertion and Deletion on a One String to reach Another String [closed]

[Solved] java changes String during processing?

If different identifiers can have same values, your third map will keep the last parsed one. E.g. : File 1 : localId1 => “aaaa” localId2 => “bbbb” localId3 => “cccc” localId4 => “aaaa” File 2: localId1 => “1111” localId2 => “2222” localId3 => “3333” localId4 => “4444” Your first and second maps will store this … Read more

[Solved] Regex Pattern not alow zero [closed]

I would use a negative lookahead assertion to make the regex fail if it is only “0”. @”^-?(?!0*(\.0*)?$)(0\.\d*[0-9]|[0-9]\d*(\.\d+)?)$ See it here on Regexr This expression (?!0*(\.0*)?$) makes the whole regex fail, if the number consists only of zeros. 0 solved Regex Pattern not alow zero [closed]

[Solved] Regex for given pattern

I assume that you use your regex to find matches in the whole text string (all 3 lines together). I see also that both your alternatives contain starting ^ and ending $, so you want to limit the match to a single line and probably use m regex option. Note that [^…]+ expression matches a … Read more