[Solved] python : reduce by key with if condition statement?

IIUC, you need to change the key before the reduce, and then map your values back in the desired format. You should be able to do the following: new_rdd = rdd.map(lambda row: ((row[0], row[1][0]), row[1][1]))\ .reduceByKey(sum). .map(lambda row: (row[0][0], (row[0][1], row[1]))) 0 solved python : reduce by key with if condition statement?

[Solved] I want to combine the objects in the array, how should I change them?

One method is to convert array into object, and use productId as key: const data = [ { productId: 6, productName: “pouch”, productPrice: 29000, discountRate: 19, optionName: “13inch”, optionPrice: 0, qty: 2, }, { productId: 6, productName: “pouch”, productPrice: 29000, discountRate: 19, optionName: “15inch”, optionPrice: 1000, qty: 1, }, { productId: 4, productName: “pouch”, productPrice: … Read more

[Solved] How to reduce blob using aspect ratio?

you can use regionprops for that , for example: s=regionprops(bw,’BoundingBox’,’PixelIdxList’); where bw is your binary image. The output of s.BoundingBox is a [x,y,width,height] vector you can loop over s for i=1:numel(s) ar(i) = s(i).BoundingBox(3)/s(i).BoundingBox(4) end and see if the width/height ratio ar (or whatever you define aspect ratio) is approx above 1 or not (because … Read more

[Solved] How to create a new object from existing entries?

An approach should consider breaking the OP’s entire task into two separate ones. Within an intermediate step one firstly does reduce the list of material items into a map of (grouped) material items. The final step does a map–reduce on the values of the intermediate result, where the reduce task is responsible for summing up … Read more

[Solved] how to implement map and reduce function from scratch as recursive function in python? [closed]

def map(func, values): rest = values[1:] if rest: yield from map(func, rest) else: yield func(values[0]) It’s a generator so you can iterate over it: for result in map(int, ‘1234’): print(result + 10) Gives: 11 12 13 14 4 solved how to implement map and reduce function from scratch as recursive function in python? [closed]