[Solved] React Native Issue:
Try to: killall node rm -rf node_modules/ Then uninstall the application if the application has been installed, and make sure all port nodes have stopped. 0 solved React Native Issue:
Try to: killall node rm -rf node_modules/ Then uninstall the application if the application has been installed, and make sure all port nodes have stopped. 0 solved React Native Issue:
Use arrow function instead so: Change onFormSubmit(event){ event.preventDefault(); console.log(this.state.term); } To onFormSubmit= (event)=>{ event.preventDefault(); console.log(this.state.term); } solved TypeError: Cannont Read Property `State` of Undefined
Bind takes arguments this.click.bind(this, ‘phone’) click(phone) { // … } or use es6 arrow functions onClick={() => this.click(‘phone’)} solved How to pass tag id to to onClick function in react?
Assuming that values is actually an object, check if .some of the Object.values of the object are true: const values = {de: true, en: false, nl: false, pl: false, ru: false}; const someTruthy = Object.values(values).some(val => val === true); console.log(someTruthy); (if the only truthy value is true, you can use (val => val) instead) solved … Read more
I’ve figured out that the JSON is already valid, I was just too confused and irritated by the errors with different usages of Object.keys etc.! I’ve solved the issue with: const arr = Object.entries(this.props.user); const mapped = []; arr.forEach(([key, value]) => mapped.push(value)); This way I am cutting out the {} entries inside the object and … Read more
Based on @françois-zaninotto ‘s answer, I fixed a syntax error fixed some of the missing useRecordContext() param that made it work: // ############################################### // FbUrlField.js import * as React from ‘react’; import { Link } from ‘@material-ui/core’; import { useRecordContext } from ‘react-admin’; const FbUrlField = ( props ) => { const { source, target, … Read more
here the array with processsteptemplate = 10 is removed let arr = [ {id: 14, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 9, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0}, {id: 15, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 9, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0}, {id: 16, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 10, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0} ] let step = 9; let result = arr.filter((e) => e.processsteptemplate === … Read more
You have to cut your template into components and replace class attribute with className. var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div className=”my-class”> Hello, world! </div> ); } }); ReactDOM.render( <MyComponent />, document.getElementById(‘content’) ); Take a look at official tutorial But I strongly recommend you to read the documentation first and only then … Read more
this is the correct sytnax of your JSON Object. [ { “id”: 1, “type”: “group” }, { “id”: 2, “type”: “text”, “label”: “Name”, “group_id”: 1 }, { “id”: 3, “type”: “text”, “label”: “Address”, “group_id”: 1 }, { “id”: 4, “type”: “text”, “label”: “City”, “value”: “Lahore”, “group_id”: 1 }, { “id”: 5, “type”: “text”, “label”: “State”, … Read more
To come up with a functioning MongoDB query that determines whether a user is part of a group requires an understanding of how you’re structuring your database and groups collection. One way to structure that is like so: { “_id” : ObjectId(“594ea5bc4be3b65eeb8705d8”), “group_name”: “…”, “group_members”: [ { “user_id”: ObjectId(“<same one from users collection”), “user_name”: “Alice”, … Read more
Inside app component your Index component file path is not correct import react from “react”; import reactDom from “react-dom”; import Index from ‘../src/Index’ function App() { return ( <Index /> ); } import look like as this code 0 solved react and react-dom not working, please help out
You access an element in an array with an index starting from 0, like you noted. Accessing a key in an object is just a matter of using the key name: const secondBook = books[2]; solved How to find objects by key in javascript object?
You have missed to add CrudUrl in the dataManager settings. So that the CRUD actions are not working. So we would suggest you to refer and follow the below sample. Service: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/ScheduleCRUD-1748824462-1972500097 Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-schedule-url-adaptor-two-level-resource?file=index.js this.dataManger = new DataManager({ url: ‘http://localhost:54738/Home/LoadData’, crudUrl: ‘http://localhost:54738/Home/UpdateData’, crossDomain: true, adaptor: new UrlAdaptor }); UG: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/schedule/data-binding/#scheduler-crud-actions 3 solved React SyncFusion Resource … Read more
You would need your fetch to take place in a parent component. Then, you can render whichever component you want based on the state of fetch. If fetching is done, render the NewComponent. If still fetching, render the CurrentComponent. import React, { useState } from “react”; import ReactDOM from “react-dom”; const CurrentComponent = () => … Read more
[\d]{7,} This should do it. The {7,} means you need at least 7 characters. solved I want to validate the phone number in javascript