[Solved] Reset a Radio button inside a Radio group

This is how I did it:

It is in C# but I think it is easy to convert it to Java.

I used tag to know if this radio button checked before or not.

False => It is not checked

True => It is checked

radiobutton.Tag = false;

radiobutton.Click += SingleChoiceQuestionAlternativeClick;


private void SingleChoiceQuestionAlternativeClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadioButton questionAlternative = sender as RadioButton;

        if (questionAlternative != null)
            RadioGroup questionAlternatives = questionAlternative.Parent as RadioGroup;

            if (questionAlternatives != null)
                if (questionAlternative.Tag.Equals(false))
                    for (int i = 0; i < questionAlternatives.ChildCount; i++)
                        RadioButton childRadioButton = questionAlternatives.GetChildAt(i) as RadioButton;

                        if (childRadioButton != null)
                            childRadioButton.Tag = false;

                    questionAlternative.Tag = true;
                    questionAlternative.Tag = false;

solved Reset a Radio button inside a Radio group