[Solved] python generator as expression [closed]

Well, one reason is that the assignment operator = must have an expression on the right, not a (series of) statement(s). You might then ask why this is so, and I guess it is chosen to limit the complexity of the parser, and to disallow what one might consider confusing code. Note that your toto … Read more

[Solved] Import two modules with same name at top of PYTHONPATH elements

This import statement is incorrect: from utils.pkg2.mod2 import func2 If it has ever worked correctly, that was relying on resolving with the current working directory, implicit relative imports in Python 2.x, or a manually munged PYTHONPATH / sys.path. This is the type of import for which PEP8 said: Implicit relative imports should never be used … Read more

[Solved] My Python for loop executes 5005 times but it is meant to execute 100 times [closed]

Let’s simplify your program to understand how to get 5005 results: gencodelist = [] for i in range(1, 100): gencodelist.append(str(i) + ‘ ‘) gencodeout=””.join(gencodelist) print(gencodeout) Here we are adding elements to the list gencodelist 99 times (from 1 to 99), and print all elements of this list each time. So, we have 1 + 2 … Read more

[Solved] What’s the Pythonic way to initialize an array?

Introduction Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used for a variety of tasks. One of the most common tasks is to initialize an array. An array is a data structure that stores a collection of elements. Initializing an array means setting up the array with the desired elements. There are many ways … Read more

[Solved] Python simple code i cant fix help1!1

This should fix it: def print_guessed(secret_word): return ‘-‘*len(secret_word) The problem with your code is that you are trying to modify a string by its index. However str object in Python is not mutable. You have to construct a new string. Note that this function returns the same result as other people have proposed. However it … Read more

[Solved] Python Character Casing

Here’s what’s wrong with your code: You’re using *args which would expand the string you’re passing into the function’s arguments which is not what you want. I’ve replaced it with arg. You’re using x[n] instead of simply x. When you’re looping through the string, you’re going at it one character at a time. Therefore, simply … Read more

[Solved] Can I use ‘,’ instead of ‘as’ python 3

The old syntax is no longer valid. Source In Python 2, the syntax for catching exceptions was except ExceptionType:, or except ExceptionType, target: when the exception object is desired. ExceptionType can be a tuple, as in, for example, except (TypeError, ValueError):. This could result in hard-to-spot bugs: the command except TypeError, ValueError: (note lack of … Read more

[Solved] Extract all numbers in brackets with Python [closed]

Regex can do that: s = “asd[123]348dsdk[45]sdhj71[6789]sdfh” import re s_filter=” “.join(re.findall(r”\[(\d+)\]”,s))) print(s_filter) Output: 123 45 6789 Pattern explained: \[ \] are the literal square brackets (\d+?) as as few numbers inside them as capture group re.findall finds them all and ‘ ‘.join(iterable)combines them back into a string. 2 solved Extract all numbers in brackets with … Read more