[Solved] Error: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘n_splits’

You are mixing up two different modules. Before 0.18, cross_validation was used for ShuffleSplit. In that, n_splits was not present. n was used to define the number of splits But since you have updated to 0.18 now, cross_validation and grid_search has been deprecated in favor of model_selection. This is mentioned in docs here, and these … Read more

[Solved] python error: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘str’ and ‘str’ [duplicate]

start_date and stop_date are strings, which don’t support the – operator. If you want to compute their (numerical) difference, define them as integers, i.e. start_date = 20151231171500 stop_date = 20151231174500 or cast them to int: test = int(stop_date) – int(start_date) Caveat: the difference of these numbers would be 3000, not 30. Not sure why you … Read more

[Solved] what to fix to solve the TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) [duplicate]

Your error is probably that you forgot to cast the input(…) to int: start_year = input(‘Enter start year’) start_year = int(start_year) you should do the same for end_year and output. Note: It’s really hard to try to help you without the source code. I need to infer a lot of things to help you diagnosis … Read more

[Solved] I cannot pass of the first print

print (‘conexion ON’) while(response<200): response is a string (“something” in your debugging output). You are comparing it to an integer. In some implementations of Python, integers always compare “less than” strings, and it looks like that’s why the loop is getting skipped in your case. 3 solved I cannot pass of the first print

[Solved] Get Pairs of List Python [duplicate]

Sure, there are many ways. Simplest: def func(alist): return zip(alist, alist[1:]) This spends a lot of memory in Python 2, since zip makes an actual list and so does the slicing. There are several alternatives focused on generators that offer memory savings, such as a very simple: def func(alist): it = iter(alist) old = next(it, … Read more

[Solved] Get Pairs of List Python [duplicate]

Introduction This question is a duplicate of a previously asked question. This post provides an introduction to the Python programming language and how to use it to get pairs of a list. Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used to solve a variety of problems. It is easy to learn … Read more

[Solved] python program to store a specific string from a file and store it in a variable

First off In your example json file you have inconsistent use of quotation marks, chose ‘ or ” and stick to it. Code import json data = json.load(open(“file.json”)) # this is the variable you are after variable = data[“my_id”] solved python program to store a specific string from a file and store it in a … Read more

[Solved] GetOption PERL to Python

There is a module in python called argparse. You can use the module to solve your problem. Code example : test.py import argparse import os commandLineArgumentParser = argparse.ArgumentParser() commandLineArgumentParser.add_argument(“-fname”, “–fname”, help=”first name”) commandLineArgumentParser.add_argument(“-lname”,”–lname”, help=”last name”) commandLineArguments = commandLineArgumentParser.parse_args() fname = commandLineArguments.fname lname = commandLineArguments.lname print “%s\n%s” %(fname,lname) Run example python test.py -fname ms -lname = … Read more

[Solved] Lists in Python 2.7 (compatible with 3.x)

You need a little more debugging here. For instance, check that your split gives you what you want. Second, please read https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve — this lists our expectations for posting. Giving the actual input and error message would have given you an answer much sooner: you fed a list to fnmatch, which expects a string. You’re … Read more

[Solved] python – history file

If you are trying to delete this lines from the file, try this: import os def removeUrl(url): url_file = “url.txt” fileIn = open(url_file, ‘r’) fileOut = open(“temp.txt”, ‘w’) for line in fileIn: if url not in line: fileOut.write(line) fileIn.close() fileOut.close() os.remove(url_file) os.rename(“temp.txt”, url_file) removeUrl(“www.youtube.com”) solved python – history file