[Solved] PHP comments count [closed]
echo ($counting == 1 ? $counting . ” comment” : $counting . ” comments”) 0 solved PHP comments count [closed]
echo ($counting == 1 ? $counting . ” comment” : $counting . ” comments”) 0 solved PHP comments count [closed]
You would do so by creating the variable ($value as I’ve done below) and then concatenating the $url string using . $value=”90″; $url = “http://junna.com/mamba” . $value . “nina”; 6 solved how to put a variable inside a variable value PHP [closed]
Hiding an element can be done by setting the display property to “none” or the visibility property to “hidden”. (http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_display_visibility.asp) Try it without the display none: element.style { border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0px; width: 800px; height: 480px; } solved How can I find which file or code affected to my code in … Read more
Try something like this: $max_index = null; $max_value = 0; foreach($DoctorEducation as $key => $array){ if($array[‘degree_type_id’] > $max_value){ $max_value = $array[‘degree_type_id’]; $max_index = $key; } } print_r($DoctorEducation[$max_index]); This gives you the index and the value of the key with the highest degree_type_id 1 solved find max value of a key in array
If you want to access the variable via the $_POST array, you have to specify post as the method in your form (or in whatever mechanism you’re using to hit the file, like an AJAX request or something, you’d need to specify “post” accordingly): <form method=”post” action=”your-file-or-route”> If you don’t want to worry about that, … Read more
You could use array_push to push additional items like so: array_push($options[‘systems’], 4); Or the shorthand version: $options[‘systems’][] = 4; 1 solved How do I append a value to an array within an array in PHP? [duplicate]
I think this will help you to achieve your goal. I have removed some unwanted details from your example, and try to keep it as simple as possible. <div class=”action” > <span class=”MyBtn” rel=”myModal1″ style=”color:orange”>Title 1</span> </div> <!– The Modal 1 –> <div id=’myModal1′ class=”modal” style=”display:none”> <!– Modal content 1 –> <div class=”modal-content”> <div class=”modal-header”> … Read more
It seems you have json inside the <code> tag. So first (after you get the inner html of the <code> tag) get rid of the comments (‘<!–‘, ‘–>‘) and then use function json_decode() solved How to parse information within HTML tag using php [duplicate]
In php: $names = [‘jim’, ‘lucy’]; $smarty->assign(‘names’, $names); In javascript, var arr = {$names|json_encode}; Notice: If you changed your smarty default_modifiers to array(‘escape:”html”‘), use var arr = {$names|json_encode nofilter}; to make everything work. Good luck. solved How to pass array from php to javascript using smarty 3? [closed]
A common way to visualise logical conditions like this is as a truth table: | 0 | 1 –+—— 0 | | –+—+– 1 | | Across the top, we have the possible values of $QuantityOrdered; down the side, the values of $QuantityShipped. In the grid, we put the result of the expression; I’ll use … Read more
Try to put semicolon at the end of your query. SELECT topics.*, users.username, users.profilepic, catogories.name FROM topics INNER JOIN users ON topics.user_id = users.id INNER JOIN catogories ON topics.catogory_id = catogories.id ORDER BY create_date DESC; 18 solved how i can resolve this error as i m new to PHP and MySQL kindly help me out
You can use \DOMDocument->loadHTML(); Ex: <?php $doc = new \DomDocument(); $doc->loadHTML(‘<div class=”whatever”> Title </div>’); View examples here: http://docs.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php This is assuming that your source is available to php. It would probably be more pragmatic to extract the value with javascript in the client and send it with the page request. If your app is well … Read more
Here is a reference to the SteamWebAPI for DOTA 2: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=WebAPI&redirect=no#Dota_2 solved STEAM – How to get dota 2 player with personaname, loccountrycode and avatar url from steam account [closed]
You need to use $.ajax like $(function(){ function getdata(){ $.ajax({ url:’getdata.php’, success:function(response){ $(‘#dataTables-example tbody’).html(response); } }); } setInterval(function(){getdata()},5000); }); getdata.php <?php $req = mysqli_query($con, ‘select user_id, user_name from users’); while ($dnn = mysqli_fetch_array($req)) { echo “<tr> <td>” . $dnn[‘user_id’] . “</td> <td>” . $dnn[‘user_name’] . “</td> </tr>”; } ?> 6 solved Refresh table after seconds
If you are looking to search, you need to use the LIKE syntax, not WHERE $sql=”SELECT * FROM members WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘”. $fname .”%'”; The LIKE & % make it a wildcard. Now you said you want to search by first and last, but you only pass in your first variable and you only … Read more