[Solved] Associative array index as variable
Try foreach ($array1 as $index => $arr1) {…} foreach ($array1 as $key1 => $val1 ) { foreach ($array2 as $key2 => $val2) { echo $arr2[$arr2[$key1][$key2]]; } } 0 solved Associative array index as variable
Try foreach ($array1 as $index => $arr1) {…} foreach ($array1 as $key1 => $val1 ) { foreach ($array2 as $key2 => $val2) { echo $arr2[$arr2[$key1][$key2]]; } } 0 solved Associative array index as variable
If I’ve understood your requirements you need to pass method as a string, then JSON encode the params object. If so, this should work for you: $.post(‘https://liceoeuroamericano.territorio.la/webservices/persona.php’, { method: ‘activateUser’, params: JSON.stringify({ auth_key: “123456”, user: “[email]”, active: “[0/1]” }) }, function(data){ console.log(‘request completed successfully’); }) 1 solved How do I post multiple parameters to a … Read more
The if condition checking must be done using == or === operator.Because = is used to assign something.So try this if($d == 2){ $dayznum = $dayznum2; } 3 solved PHP if($d=2) not working
You are setting the query before you add the filter to the query string. // Get the results from the query $query->setQuery($sqlSelect) ->setParameter(‘startMonth’, $startMonth) ->setParameter(‘endMonth’, $endMonth); if (!empty($filter)) { $sqlSelect .= ‘AND LOG.VALUE LIKE :filter ‘; $query->setParameter(‘filter’, ‘%’.$filter.’%’); } You are setting the query to $sqlSelect and aftwards appending the filter part after setting the … Read more
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/u610435277/public_html/wp-content/themes/zerif-lite/inc/jetpack.php on line 1 [duplicate] solved Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/u610435277/public_html/wp-content/themes/zerif-lite/inc/jetpack.php on line 1 [duplicate]
All of your name‘s for inputs are the same, so it only can see one of them, it doesn’t know the difference between “mark” and “mark” and “mark” etc. Add different id’s to them, like “mark1” etc. Then in your php, MAKE SURE TO SANITISE THE INPUTS!! or else people can use sql injection to … Read more
There’s CAPTCHA solutions.. though not always user-friendly, I’ve had to look into other ventures to help overcome spam (though never 100%). One solution over not using CAPTCHA is to add a hidden input with a value. In JavaScript, delete that hidden input. On the server side, test if it was posted or not. If it … Read more
Seem you need to do something like this, $values = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $values[$row[‘MONTHNAME(dt)’]] = $row[‘SUM(dist)’]; } print_r($values); If you need an associative array than do like. $values[] = array($row[‘MONTHNAME(dt)’] => $row[‘SUM(dist)’]); Note: Please, don’t use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red … Read more
Use urlencode() This is working now : <?php $post_name=”BSN Syntha-6 Isolate”; $base = “” . urlencode($post_name); $str = file_get_contents($base); echo ‘<pre>’; print_r(json_decode($str)); ?> 2 solved Getting blank array from web service
Something like that? $i = 0; foreach($string as $menu){ $i++; if($i == 6){ break; } $menu_name = $menu[‘name’]; $menu_style = $menu[‘style’]; // i want to show total 5 menu names. if($menu_style == ‘magazine’ && $i <= 5){ // i have 5+ menus names (magazine style) // butt here i want to show just one last … Read more
use JSON_ENCODE first before saving the array to DB ,then use JSON_DECODE if you want to get again the contents $arr = array( “item_number1” => “1”, “payment_date” => “04:21:34 Dec 06, 2014 PST”, “payment_status” => “Completed”, “first_name” => “sdfsd”, “last_name” => “parsdfsdandekar”, “quantity1” => “1” ); echo json_encode($arr); Result after JSON_ENCODE (Array to JSON String): … Read more
you can try this $config[‘enable_query_strings’] = TRUE; solved How to use query string in Codeigniter?
Solution for your problem is to use PIVOT Try to look at this: Convert Rows to columns using ‘Pivot’ in SQL Server 4 solved dynamic query to column to row in mysql [closed]
In your __construct seem you don’t call the proper function sequence for format (htlm) the row. I think you should change you __construct someway for call beginChildren, current, endChildern properly function __construct($it) { beginChildren(); parent::__construct($it, self::LEAVES_ONLY); current(); endChildren(); } solved show sql results in php with tables [closed]
If you insist on regex, you can use positive look ahead as preg_replace(‘/,(?=}$)/’, ”, “helloworld,}”) // helloworld} Regex Explanation , Matches , (?=}$) positive look ahead. Checks if the , is followed by } and then end of line $ 7 solved How can I check if the last 2 characters of a string are … Read more