[Solved] Message if Path dont exists in C#?
if (!File.Exist(path to file)) { MessageBox.Show(“File Not Found”); } else //process code here also need to add the using System.IO namespace solved Message if Path dont exists in C#?
if (!File.Exist(path to file)) { MessageBox.Show(“File Not Found”); } else //process code here also need to add the using System.IO namespace solved Message if Path dont exists in C#?
in your root dir in .htaccess place <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteBase / RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^uploader/([a-zA-Z0-9])([^/]+)$ uploader/images/$1/$1$2 [L] </IfModule> this should redirect the files the way you want 2 solved Display the image in the browser without any extension & path of directory
The folder where the executable resides is: string executableLocation = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); And so you want to save your file to: System.IO.Path.Combine(executableLocation, “myfile.txt”); 3 solved How to set path of a text file created by an visual studio 2010 application?
Without any more constraints, there aren’t any available optimizations that aren’t kind of obvious. A path exists iff u, v, and w are in the same connected component. That can be easily determined by running a BFS or DFS from any one to see if it finds the other two. For some graphs there is … Read more
I could not maintain stably the userpath in the system so a solution which works in the beginning of the functions checkSystemMemory(); %% TODO Virtual memory; enable virtual memory on HDDs. % http://askubuntu.com/q/799834/25388 home=char(java.lang.System.getProperty(‘user.home’)); % all systems if (isempty(userpath)) userpath(fullfile(home, ‘Documents/bin/matlab/’) ) % list software locations in the project location addpath(fullfile(home, ‘Documents/Math/’) ) % list … Read more
You don’t need Boost: std::string str = “data/lib/blahblah.lua”; std::string filename(str, str.find_last_of(“https://stackoverflow.com/”)+1); 0 solved Making filename remain from path in boost [closed]
Mixing some of your approaches, you can also do: from pathlib import Path path = Path(“/a/b/c/file.txt”) path.with_name(path.stem + ‘_test’ + path.suffix) # PosixPath(‘/a/b/c/file_test.txt’) 0 solved Adding a suffix to a full path’s name, before the extension [duplicate]
Take a look at htaccess and mod_rewrite. You asked for no links, so I’ll let you Google them yourself. Once you have a chosen path, try it out and if you can’t get it working come back with examples of what you’ve tried and in what way they didn’t work. 3 solved How to make … Read more
I suggest A* Pathfinding. It’s a really neat algorithm that should do what you want. 2 solved Shortest path on a grid with obstacles [closed]