[Solved] C# Accessing field syntax

You can use reflection to access a field by its name : FieldInfo ageField = typeof(Person).GetField(“age”); int age = (int) field.GetValue(person); solved C# Accessing field syntax

[Solved] How do I get latitude and longtitude for desktop application? [closed]

A standard GPS device (internal or external) sends data on a serial port. Receiving any data from Serial Port is very easy. Please check this link. //define serial port SerialPort serialPort1 = new SerialPort(); //configuring the serial port serialPort1.PortName=”COM1″; serialPort1.BaudRate=9600; serialPort1.DataBits=8; serialPort1.Parity=Parity.None; serialPort1.StopBits= StopBits.One; //read data from serial port string data = serialPort1.ReadExisting(); GPS data … Read more

[Solved] Adding values from textbox to label [closed]

I believe what you are trying to do is to add a value to PizzaPrice, then display it on txtPizzaPrice.Text with the £ sign appended to the front. PizzaPrice should be a property rather than a field. public double PizzaPrice { get; set; } Notice that I += the value to pizza price, then display … Read more

[Solved] Check if null before set to null?

No, there is not much use. Probably checking the variable being null or not is just as expensive as setting it to null one time too many. If it was a property, with additional logic behind it, it could make sense to test it before, but that should actually be the responsibility of the logic … Read more

[Solved] Find and replace dynamic values via for loop

I think this is what you want, List<string> keys = new List<string>() { “name”, “age”, “param3” }; string url = “http://www.test.com/test.aspx?testinfo=&|&;”; Regex reg = new Regex(“&”); int count = url.Count(p => p == ‘&’); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i >= keys.Count) break; url = reg.Replace(url, keys[i], 1); } … Read more

[Solved] How to create byte array and fill it with random data [duplicate]

Try the Random.NextBytes method https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.random.nextbytes?view=netframework-4.7.2 private byte[] GetByteArray(int sizeInKb) { Random rnd = new Random(); byte[] b = new byte[sizeInKb * 1024]; // convert kb to byte rnd.NextBytes(b); return b; } If you need cryptographically safe random bytes, use System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider instead. 7 solved How to create byte array and fill it with random data [duplicate]

[Solved] How to create folder on server pc in C# [duplicate]

As explained in MSDN: Directory.CreateDirectory: You can create a directory on a remote computer, on a share that you have write access to. UNC paths are supported; Keyword here being “UNC paths”, which take the following form: \\server-name\share-name\[subdirectory-names\] So: Directory.CreateDirectory(@”\\server-name\share-name\NewFolder1″); 0 solved How to create folder on server pc in C# [duplicate]

[Solved] Must declare the scalar variable “@lblCmpUserName”

I got the solution, I made a mistake in my INSERT query. It should be like this. string query=”INSERT INTO Company_Info2 VALUES (@UserName,@Cmp_Name,@Comm_Country, @Commercial_RegNo,@Cmp_DocPath, @Cmp_EstablishDate,@Cmp_Address,@IsAddress)”; solved Must declare the scalar variable “@lblCmpUserName”

[Solved] Japenese character in a filename changes to garbage if I download file from IE 11

I found the solution, here it is, I used UrlEncode on the filename which helped me solve my problem. Response.AddHeader(“Content-Disposition”, String.Format(“attachment; filename={0}”, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(docFileDTO.FileName))); solved Japenese character in a filename changes to garbage if I download file from IE 11