[Solved] Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
Exchange Sort and Bubble Sort are two quite simple sorting algorithms that can be written on the fly. solved Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
Exchange Sort and Bubble Sort are two quite simple sorting algorithms that can be written on the fly. solved Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss For example: DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) 2 solved DateTime Format yyyy-mm-dd 24hr
Whilst I agree that this is not the correct forum for such a question, a quick and simple Google search suggests that https://www.ageofascent.com/ is built on .Net Core to some degree. Additionally, although not quite what you’re looking for, .Net Core is supported in lots of Windows Docker containers running Windows Server Core, due to … Read more
Because these parameters are not being passed by reference, setting them to any value will only change the value of the parameter variables local to your helper method: it will not impact the values that were passed in to those parameters. Since you don’t use the new values you’re assigning to those parameters inside the … Read more
Dotnet core support var s = “some html / html form”; HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync(s.ToString()); Find refrence : https://gist.github.com/priore/7163408 Is there an equivalent to “HttpContext.Response.Write” in Asp.Net Core 2? solved How to submit http form using C# in DOTNET CORE [closed]
Protobuf-net on nuget already supports net standard 1.3 and above, which includes what you need. There is nothing you should need to do to use protobuf-net. 2 solved protobuf-net port to .net core 2.0 [closed]
The following works if you have a Vimeo account (at least it works at the Plus level and above) and have created an app, given that app permission to delete, gotten an access token for that app, and have a video number for the video you want to delete. Within a class put the following … Read more
To do this you have to have a Vimeo account (this works with Plus level or better, don’t know about the others), have created a Vimeo app (in Vimeo), given it permission to upload, and gotten an access token. With all that in place, here is the code: HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); public async … Read more
You could use linqKit for this scenario. It has that exact And() function you used in your sample code. solved Multiple conditional where on list c#
You should assign result of replacement: var res = variable. Replace(“\\”, “https://stackoverflow.com/”); // you need “\\” because “\” is escape symbol. or var res = variable.Replace(@”\”, “https://stackoverflow.com/”); 3 solved Replace all blackslashes with forward slash [duplicate]
You would need to target multiple frameworks in the csproj file. In the original launch of Visual Studio 2017 there’s no UI for this, but you can do it manually. I believe that there will be UI support for this in an update. It’s just a matter of changing the <TargetFramework> element to <TargetFrameworks> and … Read more
Currently gRPC is described as to be a way for wcf migration, you can communicate in half streaming, full streaming. But be careful that half streaming can interrupt to collect information but it will not interrupt all the process on the server side. From what i seen, on asp.net (there is a core version) the … Read more
.NET Core is flexible regarding different versions running on the same web server. Publishing an application as self-contained, will allow you to run as many different versions as you would like on the same web server. See .NET Core application publishing overview. Only if you are publishing as framework-dependent would you need that specific .NET … Read more
Use the HttpClient class available in .NET Core. This class contains methods for all of the HTTP operations you mentioned (such as PostAsJson). It will also handle any object-to-Json serialisation for you. solved Making REST API Requests (GET/POST/PUT/DELET) in c# console
I will use Quartz.NET and or Hangfire as scheduler solution. https://www.quartz-scheduler.net https://www.hangfire.io 3 solved Creating a custom and reliable task scheduler