[Solved] Is there way to replace ranged data (eg 18-25) by its mean in a dataframe?

There are several ways to transform this variable. In the picture I see, that there are not only bins, but also value ’55+’, it needs to be considered. 1) One liner: df[‘age’].apply(lambda x: np.mean([int(x.split(‘-‘)[0]), int(x.split(‘-‘)[1])]) if ‘+’ not in x else x[:-1]) It checks whether the value contains ‘+’ (like 55+), if yes than the … Read more

[Solved] Scikit-learn Custom Scoring Function 1

The error is in above line. You forgot to close the brackets there. Change this: print(clf.predict(x_test[1:10]) to print(clf.predict(x_test[1:10])) And even after that you will get error in the line: clf.f1_score(…) The above line is wrong, it should be: f1_score(y_test, clf.predict(x_test)) solved Scikit-learn Custom Scoring Function 1

[Solved] How to represent DNA sequences for neural networks?

Why not learn the numerical representations for each base? This is a common problem in Neural Machine Translation, where we seek to encode “words” with a meaning as (naively) numbers. The core idea is that different words should not be represented with simple numbers, but with a learned dense vector. The process of finding this … Read more

[Solved] Deep learning to predict the temperature

It sounds as if you’ve trained to a discrete classification, but you want continuous output. Switch your algorithm to do regression, rather than classification. Another possibility is to harness your last-layer output to interpolate. Use the weights given to the top choice and its strongest adjacent choice. For instance, if your classification gives 1 .01 … Read more

[Solved] Clustering of sentences [closed]

Please check out this site: http://sujitpal.blogspot.com/2008/10/ir-math-in-java-experiments-in.html#ga This would help you out with different algos and you can come up with the best as per your requirements. solved Clustering of sentences [closed]

[Solved] Machine understand natural language – nlp [closed]

Check these out in that order 🙂 Natural Language Tool Kit [NLTK] main page(It is in Python),Building a machine learning class around NLTK And Making an actual Application out of it. This should give you a great foundation for building NLP applications(provided your NLP fundamentals are strong) solved Machine understand natural language – nlp [closed]