[Solved] How does operator precedence affect order of evaluation?

Thus in a C++ program that is made up of value computations exclusively the evaluation order would entirely be dictated by operator precedence and associtivity. (2) No, the evaluation order of value computations is not entirely dictated by operator precedence and associativity. They impose only a partial ordering on evaluation. Consider a + b. In … Read more

[Solved] How to understand [], (), compound literal operator, . and -> are postfix operators?

The language specification defines the syntax, and doesn’t care what you call the parts that make up the language. In abc->def, the first operand is abc, and -> is the operator and def is the second operand, but it is restricted to an identifier is the name of a member of the structure or union … Read more

[Solved] Why exactly can’t function pointers be implicitly converted?

There are implicit and explicit conversions. A cast is always an explicit conversion and uses the (type) cast operator. C has quite decent type safety when it comes to pointers. Apart from the special case of null pointer conversions, the only implicit pointer conversion allowed is between an object pointer and a pointer to void. … Read more

[Solved] Does this usage of if statements cause undefined behaviour? [closed]

will I get undefined behaviour by not including all 3 variables into every condition? The behaviour of not including all variables into every condition is not undefined by itself. Will every unaccounted for condition go into the else statement? Statement-false (i.e. the statement after the keyword else) is executed if the condition is false. what … Read more