[Solved] How to retrieve json data elements in to list view.builder in flutter?

Hope this helps this code will help to access the data inside the contents from your JSON structure and map it to variables. var jsonDecode = json.decode(jsonFile); //Decode your json file //then map the content details to a variable. var content = jsonDecode[‘content’]; // Since data inside your json eg above is a list. // … Read more

[Solved] Append one object to another one [duplicate]

For javascript its object not python like dictionary :P, Just use Spread Syntax to get your job done. existingData = {“School Name” : “Albert”} newData = {“Teacher Name” : “Ms. Mithcell”} result = {…existingData, …newData}; console.log(result); solved Append one object to another one [duplicate]

[Solved] How to transform a JsonArray to JsonObject? [closed]

//Json object String json = ‘{“myid”:”123″,”post”:”harry”}’; JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(json); String id = jobj.getString(“myid”); //Json Array String json = ‘[{“myid”:”123″,”post”:”harry”},{“myid”:”456″:”ramon”}]’; JSONArray jarr = new JSONArray(json); JSONObject jobj = jarr.getJSONObject(0); String id = jobj.getString(“myid”); You will have to wrap it in a try catch to make sure to catch exceptions like json strings that cant … Read more

[Solved] PDO table inside table using json

Start by returning objects from PDO as that is what you want. Then only select from the table the columns that you actually need Then build the data structure that you believe you want from the returned data $stmt1 = $db->prepare(“SELECT title,description FROM data WHERE id=’1′”); $stmt1->execute(); $data = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $stmt2 = $db->prepare(“SELECT id,title FROM … Read more

[Solved] How to create JSONObject in Android?

Creating json object JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); adding values into json object obj.put(“key”, “your_value”); please see this answer EDITED This may be help you JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(obj); JSONObject par_obj= new JSONObject(); par_obj.put(“data”,array); 1 solved How to create JSONObject in Android?

[Solved] Convert an Array Object that is a String [duplicate]

Your input is structured as JSON. You can thus simply use any JSON parsing method or library. For example JSON.parse(stringArray) (documentation). Here is a snippet which uses JSON.parse: var stringArray = “[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]”; var parsedArray = JSON.parse(stringArray); $(‘#first’).html(parsedArray[0].toString()); $(‘#second’).html(parsedArray[1].toString()); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> First element: <span id=”first”></span><br> Second element: <span id=”second”></span> You can also use the eval function … Read more

[Solved] How to parse or loop this [closed]

var arr = [{“code”:1000,”day”:”Sunny”,”night”:”Clear”,”icon”:113,”languages”: [{“lang_name”:”Arabic”,”lang_iso”:”ar”,”day_text”:”مشمس”,”night_text”:”صافي”}] }] arr.forEach(function(obj){ //loop array obj.languages.forEach(function(language) { //loop languages console.log(language); //language object console.log(language.lang_name); //language property }); }); 1 solved How to parse or loop this [closed]

[Solved] Parse JSON with Objective-C

its because timeslots is under “Sunday, August 10, 2014” this dictionary. Its second layer. First retrieve “Sunday, August 10, 2014” dictionary then you will be able to access timeslot array. Modify your for loop like below for (NSDictionary *oneDay in data) { NSDictionary *dData = [oneDay objectForKey:@”Sunday, August 10, 2014″]; NSDictionary *tslots = [dData objectForKey:@”timeslots”]; … Read more

[Solved] How to retrieve data from json response with scrapy?

You’ll want to access: [‘hits’][‘hits’][x][‘_source’][‘apply_url’] Where x is the number of items/nodes under hits. See https://jsoneditoronline.org/#left=cloud.22e871cf105e40a5ba32408f6aa5afeb&right=cloud.e1f56c3bd6824a3692bf3c80285ae727 As you can see, there are 10 items or nodes under hits -> hits. apply_url is under _source for each item. def parse(self, response): jsonresponse = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode()) print(“============================================================================================================================”) for x, node in enumerate(jsonresponse): print(jsonresponse[‘hits’][‘hits’][x][‘_source’][‘apply_url’]) For example, print(jsonresponse[‘hits’][‘hits’][0][‘_source’][‘apply_url’]) would produce: … Read more

[Solved] How change PHP Email form (return section) to match with Javascript and html template?

Why you just output the url in php side and then in the javascript side you call the script that you want: PHP Side $mail_status = mail($mail_to, $subject, $body_message, $headers); if ($mail_status) { echo “{‘url’:’contact_page.html#contactSuccess’}”; } else { echo “{‘url’:’contact_page.html#contactError’}”; } Javascript Side complete: function(){ … window.location = s.responseJSON.url … } 5 solved How change … Read more

[Solved] passing json reply from webservice to variables

You are getting response in JSONObject and you are trying to get it in JSONArray.. thats why you are getting error.. Try this way… try { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response); if(data.has(“ValidateLoginResult”){ JSONArray array = result.getJSONArray(“ValidateLoginResult”); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); String ErrorMessage= “”+obj.getString(“ErrorMessage”); String PropertyName= … Read more

[Solved] How to loop through JSON AJAX response?

If its a valid JSON you can use $.each() $.each() or jQuery.each() is used for iterating over javascript objects and arrays.  Example : In the example below intArray is a JavaScript array. So to loop thru the elements in the array we are using $.each() function. Notice this function has 2 parameters The JavaScript object or … Read more

[Solved] String operation in NodeJS

const result = {}; result.items = [{ “organizationCode”: “FP1”, “organizationName”: “FTE Process Org” }, { “organizationCode”: “T11”, “organizationName”: “FTE Discrete Org” }, { “organizationCode”: “M1”, “organizationName”: “Seattle Manufacturing” } ]; let inputText = “starts with M”; // example input text const lastSpaceIndex = inputText.lastIndexOf(‘ ‘); const secondPartOfInput = inputText.substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1).trim(); const firstPartOfInput = inputText.substring(0, … Read more

[Solved] Need to extract data from this JSON in Jmeter

It’s better to use JSONPath Extractor available via JMeter Plugins (you’ll need Extras with Libs Set). So on your data following JSONPath Expression: $..uniqueid Will return next structure: [“1149″,”1150″,”Remarks”] See Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide (scroll down to “Parsing JSON”) for more details and a kind of JSONPath cookbook. solved Need to extract … Read more

[Solved] Deserialize nested JSON into C# class

Your data model should be as follows: public class Info { public string prop1 {get;set;} public string prop2 {get;set;} public int prop3 {get;set;} // Modified from //public Dictionary<string, List<int>> prop4 {get;set} public List<Dictionary<string, int>> prop4 {get;set;} } public class Response { // Modified from //public class Dictionary<string, List<Info>> Item {get;set;} public Dictionary<string, Info> Items {get;set;} … Read more