[Solved] CSS/JQuery form validation

This contains a similar password-validation box. You can extract the if-statements inside the JavaScript to really validate the password. $(‘input[type=password]’).focusin(function () { $(‘div.pw-validator’).fadeIn(300); }); $(‘input[type=password]’).focusout(function () { $(‘div.pw-validator’).fadeOut(300); }); $(‘input[type=password]’).keyup(function () { var pw = $(this).val(); if (pw.length >= 8) $(‘.pw-validator span.character-count’).addClass(‘accomplished’); else $(‘.pw-validator span.character-count’).removeClass(‘accomplished’); var hasLowercase = false; var hasUppercase = false; for (var … Read more

[Solved] Ruby on Rails UJS

It looks to me like the relevant code to the question is this: #dynamicLoadingPanel = render ‘schedules/named_players’ And that somewhere (not in code shown), and update is posted to Availabilities#create, and what is returned is a fresh version of schedules/named_players and dynamically insert that into the page within #dynamicLoadingPanel. Here’s my take: # _schedules/available_players.html.haml #dynamicLoadingPanel … Read more

[Solved] I want both values before and after submitting a form

You could put the initial value in a hidden field as well as the visible one, e.g.: <input type=”text” name=”greeting” value=”Hello” /> <input type=”hidden” name=”greeting-original” value=”Hello” /> Then you can do what you like with greeting and greeting-original when the form is submitted. 2 solved I want both values before and after submitting a form

[Solved] See more and less button [closed]

Hope following code will help you. $(document).ready(function() { var list = $(“.partners__ul li”); var numToShow = 4; var button = $(“.partners__button__a”); var numInList = list.length; var isShowing = true; list.hide(); if (numInList > numToShow) { button.show(); } list.slice(0, numToShow).show(); button.click(function() { var showing = list.filter(‘:visible’).length; if(isShowing){ list.slice(showing – 1, showing + numToShow).fadeIn(100,onFadeComplete); } else{ list.slice(showing … Read more

[Solved] Click handler not being executed [closed]

your code can’t run,the $ is missing. $(“#trigger_kontakt”).click(function() { console.log(“Kontakt”); $(“.contact_box”).addClass(“active”); $(“.search_box”).removeClass(“active”); }); .active{ color:red; } div{ width:100px;height:50px;border:1px solid #000;display:inline-block;} <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <a class=”header_contact” id=”trigger_kontakt”>Kontakt</a> <a class=”header_search”>Search</a> <br> <div class=”contact_box”>.contact_box</div> <div class=”search_box”>.search_box</div> 4 solved Click handler not being executed [closed]

[Solved] why my jquery not work without $(function() { in head?

To answer the question: “why my jquery not work without $(function() { in head?” It won’t work because $(function(){ is a shortcut for $(document).ready(){ which basically says “once all of my HTML is fully loaded, then run this script”. without the $(function(){, your script tries to run as soon as it’s loaded. Since it’s in … Read more

[Solved] How to add 30 minutes to time as hours and minutes

Try this way to add minutes to your time string. function addMinutesToTime(time, minsAdd) { function z(n){ return (n<10? ‘0’:”) + n; }; var bits = time.split(‘:’); var mins = bits[0]*60 + +bits[1] + +minsAdd; return z(mins%(24*60)/60 | 0) + ‘:’ + z(mins%60); } result=addMinutesToTime(‘5:31’,30); alert(result); SEE FIDDLE 1 solved How to add 30 minutes to … Read more