[Solved] JSON array conversion into multi dimension array

You can put the array through Array.protoype.map, which replaces each value in the array with whatever the callback function returns. In the callback function you can return an array version of the object. For example: var result = yourArray.map(function (item) { return [item.text, item.count]; }); More array methods can be found on the MDN docs … Read more

[Solved] convert from milliseconds to date format in javascript [duplicate]

var milliseconds = new Date().getTime(); //Get milliseconds var date = new Date(milliseconds); // Create date from milliseconds console.log(date.toString()); //Log: Fri Feb 05 2016 12:41:18 GMT+0200 (EET) // Let’s create futureDate, 5days after now … var millisecondsInDay = 8.64e+7; // Milliseconds per day var futureDate = new Date(milliseconds + 5*millisecondsInDay); console.log(futureDate.toString()); //Log: Wed Feb 10 2016 … Read more

[Solved] Is the code “ dangerous? [closed]

That’s how you would incorporate a JavaScript file with the filename show.js. JavaScript is an essential part of most websites and required for any interactivity (aside from standard hyperlinks and forms). Open the show.js file in a text editor to see what the script does. 7 solved Is the code “ dangerous? [closed]

[Solved] Find input value of a class with distinct id?

The HTML you posted is not formatted so hard to decipher but, for the general case, you could do: let ids = []; let els = document.getElementsByClassName(‘state’) for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++){ ids.push(els[i].id); } 2 solved Find input value of a class with distinct id?

[Solved] join 2 same almost same function into 1 [closed]

I’m guessing you want to call two functions on onchange. Try this: newcell.childNodes[0].setAttribute(“onchange”,function(){ showUser(this.value,”+xx+”); secondFunction(); }); or since you tagged this jQuery, do it the jQuery way: $(newcell.childNodes[0]).change(function(){ showUser(this.value,”+xx+”); secondFunction(); }); 1 solved join 2 same almost same function into 1 [closed]

[Solved] Is the result of a print or echo a string or can they be number values in php? [closed]

PHP is giving you the string representation of 10, which is also 10. However, your JS code embeds this inside quotes, making it a JS string value. Since the .value property of the input element is also a string, JS ends up comparing the two “numbers” as strings and probably giving you unexpected results. Consider … Read more

[Solved] how to create components dynamically in qml

main.qml import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 Window { id:appWindow visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr(“Hello World”) property int count: 0 signal forward function fun1(argument1){ console.log(“A function fun1()in the main QML file is invoked by dynmic object”) console.log(“Returned parameter from the QML dynamic objects = “, argument1) } Item { … Read more