[Solved] Creating a JavaScript global array with static elements?

The problem isn’t that removeFunction doesn’t have access to bigArray. The problem is in your onclick attribute, and the id you’re putting on the link: $(‘#div’).append(“<a href=”#” id=’bigArray[i]’ onclick=’removeFunction(bigArray[i])’>Element bigArray[i]</a><br />”); In the onclick, you’re referring to i, but A) I’m guessing i isn’t a global, and B) Even if it is, it will not … Read more

[Solved] javascript function rules with multiple parameter braces

I had to discern what you’re looking for not only from your question, but also from your comments. It looks like every string begins with ‘f’, and each empty bracket-pair appends an ‘o’. Finally, a non-empty bracket-pair appends its argument. I actually think this is a cool metaprogramming challenge. This should work: let f = … Read more

[Solved] Node.js node_modules?

Node.js node_module` is heaviest object Because of the dependency of EVERY single npm module you have install, it will be download all dependency and store into your node_modules folder. Let have a simple example here. You have a npm module module A which dependent on module B. Therefore the structure of your node_modules folder will … Read more

[Solved] How do i get just 1 element JS [closed]

You need to verify that x is not undefined in case none of the elements have the class your looking for var x = document.getElementsByClassName(“check”)[0] if (x) { var y = window.getComputedStyle(x).display alert(y) } else { alert(‘not found’) } solved How do i get just 1 element JS [closed]

[Solved] ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property ‘abc’ of undefined Angular2

this in the reader.onload is not the object’s context. So it haven’t any variable with name jsondata. You can use arrow function to preserve your context to the object. reader.onload = (eve:any) => { this.jsondata[‘json_def’] = JSON.parse(eve.target.result); console.log(this.json_def); } 1 solved ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property ‘abc’ of undefined Angular2

[Solved] How to match height of 2 divs

You can do this using jquery: // get height of left summary and set right summary to the same on page load var summaryLeftHeight = $(“.summary-left”).height(); $(“.summary-right”).css(“height”, summaryLeftHeight + “px”); // add this to make sure they have the same height on page resize $(window).on(“resize”, function(){ var summaryLeftHeight = $(“.summary-left”).height(); $(“.summary-right”).css(“height”, summaryLeftHeight + “px”); }); … Read more

[Solved] How to convert upper case to lowercase stored in a variable inside switch statment [duplicate]

The expression “cake” || “Cake” evaluates to true, because both those strings are truthy. So when user’s input is compared with that value, for example “cake” == true, it evaluates to true because the user’s input (“cake”) is also truthy. To ignore the case of user’s input, you can simply convert it to lowercase (by … Read more

[Solved] transforming elements in array from numbers to string

Map over the array and assign each key value pair to a new object after converting it to a string. const array = [{abcd:1, cdef:7},{abcd:2, cdef:8}, {abcd:3, cdef:9}]; array.map(el => { const stringObj = {} Object.keys(el).forEach(key => { stringObj[key] = el[key].toString(); }) return stringObj; }) 1 solved transforming elements in array from numbers to string

[Solved] Better way to write this javascript filter code? [closed]

Depends on why you’re doing what you’re doing with this code. If you’re just trying to golf it, one way to make it shorter is to remove the definitions of the lambdas and call them inline. Something like below var numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; var greaterthanvalues = ((numbers, value) => numbers.filter((number) => number > value ))(numbers, … Read more