[Solved] Get URL from text using regexp [closed]
You can try this regex… www.youtube[^’]* [^’] matches any character except ‘ [^’]* matches 0 to many characters except ‘ 3 solved Get URL from text using regexp [closed]
You can try this regex… www.youtube[^’]* [^’] matches any character except ‘ [^’]* matches 0 to many characters except ‘ 3 solved Get URL from text using regexp [closed]
Making a couple of guesses he is storing large amounts of data as arrays in his JavaScript for the site and trying to manipulate the DOM without a post back… Seems unlikely that this is being done without understanding AJAX / JSON, but I am guessing that is the answer he is looking for. Basically: … Read more
If someValue‘s value is falsy like: null false empty string 0 undefined then someValue defaults to an object {}. The || used this way is also known as “default”, meaning that if the value to the left of a || is falsy, it “defaults” to the value at the right. 1 solved what does javascript … Read more
You can use jQuery To Simple down the code LAB DEMO HTML CODE: <input type=”text” value=”Sample Text” id=”txtBox” name=”name”> <br> <select id=”fontSizeDD”> <option value=”12″>12</option> <option value=”14″>14</option> <option value=”16″>16</option> <option value=”18″>18</option> <option value=”20″>20</option> <option value=”22″>22</option> <option value=”24″>24</option> <option value=”26″>26</option> </select> jQuery CODE : $(function(){ $(“#fontSizeDD”).change(function(){ $(“#txtBox”).css(“font-size”,$(this).val() + “px”); }) }); Pure JavaScript Solution var fontSizeDD = … Read more
Here you go. EDIT If you want to go to new page after last div just add else statement and add some attribute to send url. $(“#button”).on(‘click’, function() { var visible = $(“[id^=div]:visible”), number = parseInt(visible.attr(‘id’).substr(3)) + 1, nextDiv = $(“#div” + number); if (nextDiv.length > 0) { visible.hide(); nextDiv.show(); } else { location.href = … Read more
You can use Dates in javascript. To get the now-Date you simply do Date.now(). To get the date from a specific time you can look into the wonderful MDN docs which says: new Date(year, monthIndex [, day [, hour [, minutes [, seconds [, milliseconds]]]]]); Now you can simply substract both dates and what you … Read more
getresponse is an object, not a JSON string so you can just update the value. var getresponse = [{“messages”:[],”entity”:{“id”:817457,”name”:”Test 1″,”campaignId”:119602,”startDate”:1528848000000,”endDate”:1546300740000,”optimizationGoal”:”CPM”,”lifetimeBudget”:20.0,”audiences”:[{“id”:1026692,”name”:”Default Audience”,”pmpDeals”:null,”siteLists”:null,”exchanges”:{“include”:[5,45],”exclude”:[]}}],”max_bid”:2.0,”daily_budget”:null,”channels”:[“DESKTOP”,”MOBILE”]}}] getresponse[0].entity.id = 999999 If it were a JSON string, you could do the following: var decoded = JSON.parse(getresponse) decoded[0].entity.id = 999999 var encoded = JSON.stringify(decoded) solved Updating JSON response using Javascript
The File Writer API is defunct and never saw significant browser support. You cannot write files from browser-based JavaScript. What you do instead is provide the user with a link that they can download, like this: var filename = “readme.txt”; var text = “Text of the file goes here.”; var blob = new Blob([text], {type:’text/plain’}); … Read more
There are several ways to do this, you can do this with the help of traditional for, Math.max(), indexOf() and Array#reduce. First of all, you need to find the maximum value of your input array, then you should pop it and according to the iteration count, iterate to find the next maximum value. Then after … Read more
check to HTML <ul class=”social-media-nav-center”> <li> <a href=”https://twitter.com/” target=”_blank”><img id=”twitter” class=”small” src=”https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgdlWvqZIB0r6qkjFS_t9uMKD9gQIVMV3fE-Vw9BMoRfNEmJG2″ /> </a> </li> </ul> Jquqey $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).scroll(function(){ if($(window).scrollTop() > $(window).height()) { $(“#twitter”).attr(“src”, “http://www.planwallpaper.com/static/images/744081-background-wallpaper.jpg”); } }) }) CSS .social-media-nav-center{height:1000px;} https://jsfiddle.net/yakcbanL/ 2 solved Changing img src in jQuery
The use of parent.Bottom is indicative that an iframe named “Bottom” exists within the page. Based on that, you can assume that the method changeDiv() is setting this iframe’s content to Intro.asp, and that proceed() is submitting a form called frmChange within that iframe. I would also add that the MM_ methods are not directly … Read more
You have two options. You can either use the toString method on the User object, or form the mention yourself using the user’s ID. Here’s an example using toString: client.on(“message”, => { const channel = message.channel; channel.send(message.author.toString()); }); And here’s an example using the ID client.on(“message”, => { const channel = message.channel; channel.send(“<@” + message.author.id … Read more
Simply have the text in an array, ( get it from some elements using jquery – however you want it) iterate through it and change the content inside the div using html() function when you are changing the color. Simple modification of your code would be something like function changeColorAndText(element, curNumber){ curNumber++; if(curNumber > 4){ … Read more
It’s certainly possible to output JavaScript with PHP, much like you can output HTML. It’s really no different. Let’s say your PHP has the value you want to output stored in $number: <input type=”button” class=”btn_<?php echo $number; ?>” value=”Tafsir Jalalain”/> <script> $(‘document’).ready(function(){ $(“.btn_<?php echo $number; ?>”).click(function(){ $(“.field<?php echo $number; ?>”).toggle(); }); }); </script> Your output … Read more
No, there’s no difference, unless someone’s done something silly to the JavaScript environment. “andrei” is a string primitive, thus typeof “andrei” is “string”. If you do “andrei”.valueOf(), you’re coercing a string primitive into a String object (in theory*) because you’re accessing a property on it (valueOf), and then asking that object for its primitive value — … Read more