[Solved] Bind highstock(highcharts) to live data?

Finally I could find the solution. I needed to add xAxis property to my chart. By adding the code below, problem solved. Now it starts from current time. xAxis: { type: ‘datetime’, tickPixelInterval: null, maxZoom: 10 * 1000, min: new Date().getTime() } solved Bind highstock(highcharts) to live data?

[Solved] How to generate asscoiate array of objects in javascript?

A couple of corrections to your original function ought to do it. var output = {}; // empty object $.each(fruits, function (index, fruit) { var key = fruit.id; // check property exists otherwise initialize it if (!output[key]) output[key] = []; output[key].push(fruit); }); 1 solved How to generate asscoiate array of objects in javascript?

[Solved] Can not create dynamic html using ajax call

You need to check the length of the passengers then chose the right colclass like : $.each(data.driver_data, function(key, val) { var pdetails = val.passenger_data; output += ‘<div class=”row”>’; output += ‘<div class=”col-md-4 driver”><div><label class=”header”><b>Driver Details</b></label></div><div><label>Name:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.employeename + ‘</span></div><div><label>Vehicle No:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.vehicleno + ‘</span></div><div><label>Mobile:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.mobilenumber + ‘</span></div></div>’; var colclass=”8″; var pdetails_length … Read more

[Solved] What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return?

Your getElementById code works since IDs have to be unique and thus the function always returns exactly one element (or null if none was found). However, the methods getElementsByClassName, getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName, and getElementsByTagNameNS return an iterable collection of elements. The method names provide the hint: getElement implies singular, whereas getElements implies plural. The method querySelector … Read more

[Solved] Code doesn’t add rows to table (HTML / JavaScript) [duplicate]

The code seems to work but would makes strange html. Rows (tr elements) should contain cells (td elements). And your not iterating over your game_names array your just iterating from 0 to ten. See my example of your code below. var game_names = [ “first_game”, “second_game”, “third_game”, “fourth_game”, “fifth_game” ]; var parent = document.getElementById(“games”); for … Read more

[Solved] I want to create a div that can dragged inside the parent div and dropped?

You could user Jquery-UI Droppable component. Sample code: <div id=”draggable” class=”ui-widget-content”> <p>Drag me to my target</p> </div> <div id=”droppable” class=”ui-widget-header”> <p>Drop here</p> </div> and: $( “#droppable” ).droppable({ drop: function( event, ui ) { $( this ) .addClass( “ui-state-highlight” ) .find( “p” ) .html( “Dropped!” ); } }); Edit: You need to add the jQuery and … Read more

[Solved] beforeSubmit event to custom button on a custom form of jqgrid doesn’t work

It seems you put this question second time. The documenatation for this is here Basically in this case you will need to define that event and return the appropriate array. Using the help provided in the link when you click the custom button defined in a onclick event you can do this: … jQuery(“#grid_id”).jqGrid(‘editGridRow’, rowid, … Read more

[Solved] Error in Ajax Function [closed]

You add two “});”… see below your code function ChangePassword() { var email = $(“#txtForgotPassEmail”).val(); if (email == “”) { alert(“Please enter the Email ID.”) } else if (!ValidateEmail(email)) { alert(“please enter valid Email ID.”) } else { $.ajax({ type: “POST”, dataType: “json”, data: { “email”: email }, url: “/MainIndex/forgotPassword”, success: function(val) { if (val … Read more

[Solved] how do i Convert the C to javascript [closed]

A little help. C | JS —————–|—————— int x; | var x; —————–|—————— int xs[n]; | var xs = []; —————–|—————— printf(…) | console.log(…) —————–|—————— int f (int x) { | function f (x) { … | … return y; | return y; } | } The remaining syntax from your post is almost identical … Read more

[Solved] fix results of javascript loop

Use 48 iterations instead of 24. Then you can use i%4 as the index into an array of minutes for the quarter hours. <% var arrayOfTimes = []; %> <% for (var i = 0; i <= 48; i++) { %> <% var n = Math.floor(i/4) + [“:00”, “:15”, “:30”, “:45”][i%4]; %> <% if(n<10) %> … Read more