[Solved] Shift Operator (

Binary representation of 1 is 00000000000000000000000000000001 1 << 17 will move the last 1 in the binary representation 17 places left, which will result in 0000000000000100000000000000000, which when converted back to decimal results is 131072 solved Shift Operator (

[Solved] Variables to next activity [duplicate]

Pass value of string to Activity2: button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { String a = editText.getText().toString(); String b = editText2.getText().toString(); Intent intent = new Intent(your_activity.this, Activity2.class); intent.putExtra(“a_value”, a); intent.putExtra(“b_value”, b); startActivity(intent); } }); Retrieve the value in 2nd Activity: public String user1; public String user2; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); … Read more

[Solved] Array List action listener [closed]

If your ListView has more than one TextViews use something like this to retrieve the data list.setOnItemClickedListener(new OnItemClickedListener() { AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id){ Textview i1 = view.findViewById(R.id.t1); Textview i2 = view.findViewById(R.id.t2); String text = i1.getText()+i2.getText(); } } ; 2 solved Array List action listener [closed]

[Solved] User defined function for String?

I would the use the indexOf method as follows: String s = new String(“I love my school. I love to play basketball. It is lovely weather. Love is life.”).toLowerCase(); System.out.println(s); int i = 0; int count = 0; System.out.print(“Counting love:”); while(i != -1) { i = s.indexOf(“love”); if(i != -1){ count++; s = s.substring(i+1); System.out.print(count+” … Read more

[Solved] Adding difficulty levels into Java Chess Game

First of all: please only show relevant code. Other than that the answer is pretty simple. I suppose you want to implement several AI strategies and have the player choose which one to use. Have a class ComputerPlayer and give it a constructor public ComputerPlayer(Strategy s). This will determine which strategy to use, so store … Read more

[Solved] Java.NullPointerException Android [closed]

you have passed the same resource id listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.productlistview); View header = (View)getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.productlistview, null); change this to listView = (ListView) findViewById(id1,null);//id1 for second xml specified View header = (View)getLayoutInflater().inflate(id2, null);//id2 for first xml specified 1 solved Java.NullPointerException Android [closed]

[Solved] Missile don’t fire [closed]

Welcome to Stack Overflow! Some suggestions for your question – please be sure to clean up the code that you post and only post relevant sections, it’s very hard to read cluttered code like this. And as Marc B said, it’s tough to tell what you’re actually asking, so please be clear in your question … Read more