[Solved] Creating a .jar file which includes package folder [closed]

To execute a JAR file with java -jar, it needs: A class containing a public static void main(String[]) method. A META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file that names that class in its Main-class: attribute. It doesn’t appear that you’ve satisfied either criterion. Package folders have nothing to do with it. solved Creating a .jar file which includes package folder … Read more

[Solved] Integer input for operator

package mavens.dais.test; public class ClassesTest { private int Numbers; public ClassesTest() {} ClassesTest(String namez) { Numbers = Integer.parseInt(namez); } public int getNumbers() { return Numbers; } public void setNumbers(int numberz) { if(numberz > 10){ System.out.print(“It is worked.”); }else{ System.out.print(“It is not worked.”); } } } package mavens.dais.test; import java.util.Scanner; public class OneTwoThre { public static … Read more

[Solved] Parsing in Java [closed]

I recommend to use Regex for text pattern matching. You receive the text via console as argument, you do so by using the args array of the main-method. Here’s a small example: public final class Parser { public static void main(final String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { // Error, no input given } … Read more

[Solved] What is the difference between Java Garbage collection and C++ object destruction? [closed]

C++ destruction is deterministic, garbage collection is not. In C++ you can guarantee when destructors will be called, in Java there is no such guarantee at all. In fact, your destructors might never be called in Java. 3 solved What is the difference between Java Garbage collection and C++ object destruction? [closed]

[Solved] How to change random number after the user has guessed it right and displays message when user has input a wrong data type

Here’s the logic: if(input == randNum){ ReLaunchGame(); } Now, for method ReLaunchGame() you must either restart the activity, or reset all the textfields. Just compare their input with the random number you picked. Now, to see if they entered a wrong input. You must first understand exception handling, which I think you do. (http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/) Scanner … Read more

[Solved] Best practice of updating an Android App? [closed]

You should update the application APK from Google play itself. But if you have files other than apk, you could update it from your server throu your appliction code. You can intimate/notify your users about the availability and priority of the updates throu the application by cross-checking the latest version code from your server. Like … Read more

[Solved] class inheritance java

public class Main { int x=25; int y =25; //Go to next class second aMethod(){ Second s = new Second(); s.manipulateValues(x,y); } } public class Second { //inherit values of x and y //manipulate values //Go to next class third public void manipulateValues(int x, int y){ //manipulate here Third t = new Third (); s.manipulateHereToo(x,y); … Read more

[Solved] Implementing the Comparator interface [duplicate]

Here’s a Comparator inner class from my little project DBvolution: private static class ClassNameComparator implements Comparator<Class<?>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ClassNameComparator() { } @Override public int compare(Class<?> first, Class<?> second) { String firstCanonicalName = first.getCanonicalName(); String secondCanonicalName = second.getCanonicalName(); if (firstCanonicalName != null && secondCanonicalName != null) { return firstCanonicalName.compareTo(secondCanonicalName); … Read more

[Solved] How to import a String from a a different Class

This has to do with the scope of your variables. You can find more informatnion here. Currently the variables stored in class A have package-private scope. There are really two ways to do what you are describing. The better solution would be to provide a getter method within classA: public String getA(){ return this.A; } … Read more

[Solved] How do I create a new file and write the integers to a file using an array?

Use this simple utility. Easiest way to write ints to file public class WriteInts { private String fname; public WriteInts(String fname) { this.fname = fname; } public void write(int… a) throws IOException { File file = new File(fname); try { System.out.println(“WRiting to-” + file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.exists()) file.createNewFile(); file.canRead(); } catch (IOException x) { x.printStackTrace(); } … Read more