[Solved] Compare passwords [closed]

If you want to verify that a submitted password matches an encrypted (hashed) password you would use passwordEncoder.matches(rawEnteredPassword, storedEncryptedPassword) (assuming that passwordEncoder is a Spring PasswordEncoder) If you are however trying to verify that the password and the password confirmation are equal (if the user enters both passwords at the same time) you could just … Read more

[Solved] unexpected type; required: variable; found: value

Change this line. if(yearPublished=0&monthPublished=0){ return (“Published: “+”invalid number”); to if(yearPublished == 0 && monthPublished == 0){ return (“Published: “+”invalid number”); I imagine you are now getting your second, unreachable return, error due to you having an else statement above this block of code, which is called when your conditions in your if-else if loops are … Read more

[Solved] Compare 2 Numbers in Java

You can use the doubleValue() method on both numbers and then compare the double values. If you need a higher precision for integers, you can implement this as sepcial case. If you have objects that are not an instance of Number (e.g. Object or String containing a “number”), then you should throw all your code … Read more

[Solved] Why it is happening? java [closed]

Basically, time is a repeating Swing Timer which never stops This means that while counter2 is equal to 6…. if (counter2 == 6) { start1.dispose(); buildStart2(); //setVisible(true); } It will create, yet, another frame… I would suggest… Stopping the timer when you no longer need it… Not using multiple frames, see The Use of Multiple … Read more

[Solved] Can you someone explain to me this code? [closed]

22, in binary 0000000000010110 225, in binary 0000000011100001 222, in binary 0000000011011110 | is binary OR operator: The binary OR operation has two inputs and one output. It is like the ADD operation which takes two arguments (two inputs) and produces one result (one output). A B C 0 OR 0 -> 0 0 OR … Read more

[Solved] What can I use for Android Developement [closed]

I recommend sticking to Android Studio to learn coding in Android. This is due to three reasons: Android Studio is officially supported by Android, which means they have more documentation and project examples that follow the Android Studio project structure. Android Studio is good development IDE for both beginners and experts alike. Android Studio is … Read more

[Solved] Calculate the mode of the numbers in java

Under the assumption the highest number in the input data is some reasonable number, this code will find the modes. I’m sure there is a way to make it all Java 8 streams, but I’m still working to master them. public static void main(String[] args) { final int data[] = new int[] {24, 26, 28, … Read more

[Solved] How to resolve NullPointerException in SharedPreference? [duplicate]

The most likely cause is because the fragment has not yet attached to the activity. You need to call getActivity() in the fragment’s onActivityCreated() method. void onActivityCreated (Bundle savedInstanceState){ //call getActivity() here } solved How to resolve NullPointerException in SharedPreference? [duplicate]

[Solved] Accesing an Instance of another class [closed]

Very basic / easy approach: Implemenbt a simple subscribe / publish framework. Create an interface that defines a call back method. Implement the callback interface in Class C. provide a means by which class C anc register the callback with each instance of Class B; do so. When the timer, in a specific instance of … Read more