[Solved] How to check time in between 4am to 4pm and 4pm to 4am in ios? [closed]

NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; [dateFormat setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@”hh:mma”]; NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; // Current Date NSString *time = [dateFormat stringFromDate:now]; NSString *fromDate = @”10:00AM”; NSString *toDate = @”11:00PM”; NSDate *fromTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:fromDate]; NSDate *toTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:toDate]; NSDate *nowTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:time]; NSDateComponents *fromComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | … Read more

[Solved] GPU Image Filter [closed]

If you need custom filters you can always write them and add to GPUImage project. Just grab some easy filter like GPUImageRGBFilter or GPUImageLineGenerator and experiment. You can also modify OpenGL calls directly to inject your custom effects in front of a movie. Take a look at CubeExample. 1 solved GPU Image Filter [closed]

[Solved] How to retrieve data from a website into an iphone app

If your problem is getting data from website to iphone then you can just use JSON Parsing to get data. Just you have to pass all the data as JSON string in iPhone from your website. And then parse the data once received into your iPhone. Here you can refer to this link http://www.raywenderlich.com/5492/working-with-json-in-ios-5 Hope … Read more

[Solved] Objective-C blocks to Swift [closed]

I’ll help you with closures as I expect they are the most hard part of the code. Rest of the stuff is pretty similar to Java and other OOP languages. You can check closure syntax here. Correct me if my syntax is wrong: picker.finalizationBlock = {(picker, info) in //Your code here… } picker.failureBlock = {(picker, … Read more

[Solved] how do i get particular key value from string in swift4

Below is the sample code to parse your json string // I’ve escaped the double quotes so that it can run, you don’t need to do it because you already have the string let responseStr = “[{\”Loc_District\”:8119,\”districtname\”:\”अजमेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”AJMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8104,\”districtname\”:\”अलवर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”ALWAR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8125,\”districtname\”:\”बांसवाड़ा\”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BANSWARA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8128,\”districtname\”:\”बारां \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BARAN\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8115,\”districtname\”:\”बाड़मेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BARMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8105,\”districtname\”:\”भरतपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BHARATPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8122,\”districtname\”:\”भीलवाडा \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BHILWARA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8101,\”districtname\”:\”बीकानेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BIKANER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8121,\”districtname\”:\”बून्दी \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BUNDI\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8126,\”districtname\”:\”चित्तौड़गढ़ \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”CHITTORGARH\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8102,\”districtname\”:\”चूरू \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”CHURU\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8109,\”districtname\”:\”दौसा \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DAUSA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8106,\”districtname\”:\”धौलपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DHOLPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8124,\”districtname\”:\”डूंगरपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DUNGARPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8099,\”districtname\”:\”गंगानगर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”GANGANAGAR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8100,\”districtname\”:\”हनुमानगढ \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”HANUMANGARH\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8110,\”districtname\”:\”जयपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JAIPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8114,\”districtname\”:\”जैसलमेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JAISALMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8116,\”districtname\”:\”जालोर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JALORE\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8129,\”districtname\”:\”झालावाड … Read more

[Solved] How to xml parsing [closed]

Well the best is usually with the DOM, something like this: var dist_element = document.getElementsByTagName(“distance”).child[1]; The thing there is, if you have several elements with the tag distance, you’ll get an array. So you will need to iterate over every element. Sorry I don’t go over all the details, but exact implementation depends on your … Read more

[Solved] How to make Custom UIview which have rounded cornes, in iphone? [closed]

For this you need to import Quartz framework. You can also set Bordercolor, shadow color, corner width, etc to that view. #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> And try this code. [self.YourView.layer setCornerRadius:1.0]; [self.YourView.layer setBorderColor:[[[UIColor grayColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5] CGColor]]; [self.YourView.layer setBorderWidth:1.0]; [self.YourView.layer setShadowColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor]; 2 solved How to make Custom UIview which have rounded cornes, in iphone? [closed]

[Solved] How can I detect a simulated iOS device’s screen size?

The following returns a CGRect holding the size of your device’s screen in points. [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]; Note that the following would return the size of your screen without the status bar. Try to think of this as the frame rectangle for your application’s window. [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; 2 solved How can I detect a … Read more