[Solved] Is it okay to be learning to program for iOS with an iOS 5 book? [closed]

There are less radical changes to the API, that’s true. Auto-Layout it probably the biggest change. The rest are additions that you can check out later, like Pass Kit, Reminders API, UICollectionView or better social integration. I wouldn’t worry too much about an iOS 5 book being out-dated, if it’s good. Make sure it teaches … Read more

[Solved] iOS is exit(0) Reject [closed]

Do not provide buttons or options for exiting from your application. If you do so apple will reject your application. Also if you call exit(0) from your application at certain point, apple will take it as a crash. So never do it, your app will be rejected. 1 solved iOS is exit(0) Reject [closed]

[Solved] Parse JSON array of objects in Objective C [closed]

for(NSDictionary * dict in ezpoints) { [userPrivacyArray addObject:[dict valueForKey:@”user_privacy”]]; [LattitudeArray addObject:[dict valueForKey:@”latitude”]]; [LongitudeArray addObject:[dict valueForKey:@”longitude”]] } parse the data using valueForKey using key you can identify your json data and stored into NSArray, NSString where you want. here userPrivacyArray,LattitudeArray,LongitudeArray all are array. try this stuff. 3 solved Parse JSON array of objects in Objective C … Read more

[Solved] How can I implement 4 Round Rect Buttons which behave like tabbars items? [closed]

Just check with complete code. which acts like tabbar controller. localViewControllersArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; AllRumsController *allRumsScreen=[[AllRumsController alloc]init]; RumRecipesController *rumRecipesScreen =[[RumRecipesController alloc] init]; PartyPlannerClass *aPartyPlannerScreen =[[PartyPlannerClass alloc] init]; BarTendingClass *aBarTendingScreen =[[BarTendingClass alloc] init]; MoreControllersClass *moreControllerScreen =[[MoreControllersClass alloc] init]; controllersArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:allRumsScreen,rumRecipesScreen,aPartyPlannerScreen,aBarTendingScreen,moreControllerScreen,nil]; for(int i=0;i<[controllersArray count];i++) { UINavigationController *localNavigationController=[[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:[controllersArray objectAtIndex:i]]; localNavigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque; if(!i) [localNavigationController … Read more