[Solved] How does dojo/request handle html/javascript response?

As I explained you in your other questions, JavaScript is never automatically being executed when using AJAX requests (like dojo/request/xhr) out of security matters. If you want to execute JavaScript code that’s dynamically loaded, you will have to use the eval() function to parse it. However, I also told you already that the Dojo toolkit … Read more

[Solved] Netty how to test Handler which uses Remote Address of a client

Two things that could help: Do not annotate with @ChannelHandler.Sharable if your handler is NOT sharable. This can be misleading. Remove unnecessary state from handlers. In your case you should remove the remoteAddress member variable and ensure that Gson and CarParkPermissionService can be reused and are thread-safe. “Your remote address is embedded” is NOT an … Read more

[Solved] How to use Android network access, threads and handlers [closed]

Here is an Example:- On your oncreate method do this txtMessage = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txt_push_message); new task().execute(); class task extends AsyncTask<String, String,String>{ @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { super.onPostExecute(s); txtMessage.setText(“Hi there”); } @Override protected String doInBackground(String… params) { //Do something related to get the data and return that //Return the proper value return null; } } … Read more