[Solved] Write in the row under the function IMPORTRANGE

The IMPORTRANGE() function occupies a range based on the data that queries. If you add some content within the datarange that importrange returns, the latter will break because it can’t expand. You can either restrict the range that importrange occupies: =IMPORTRANGE(“SprdID”;”All Months!$A$1:$D14″) or add content starting from column E. You can also put the importrange … Read more

[Solved] Passing coordinates values from google sheets columns in static map URL

I think you had Lat, long wrong way around. Some mapping systems require Lat, Lng and others Lng, Lat (go figure!) If you change as below, you will get an image, but you may need to play with other parameters to get it working as you need. =IMAGE(“https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v10/static/”&K3&”,”&J3&”,14.25,0,60/600×600?access_token=API_KEY”) You can also use the form below … Read more

[Solved] Google Sheets: How to make a macro/script that, for all selected rows, inserts two rows beneath, then copies and pastes the content from the original?

Google Sheets: How to make a macro/script that, for all selected rows, inserts two rows beneath, then copies and pastes the content from the original? solved Google Sheets: How to make a macro/script that, for all selected rows, inserts two rows beneath, then copies and pastes the content from the original?

[Solved] If a cell contains mulitple instances of specific text, then extract top 3 of the specified text found in the cell

google-spreadsheet solution: ‘for a CSV of all matches =arrayformula(TEXTJOIN(“, “, TRUE, IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(E2:E8, A2)), E2:E8, “”))) ‘for a CSV of the first three matches =replace(arrayformula(TEXTJOIN(“, “, TRUE, IF(isnumber(search(E3:E9, A3)), E3:E9, “”))), find(“|”, substitute(arrayformula(TEXTJOIN(“, “, TRUE, IF(isnumber(search(E3:E9, A3)), E3:E9, “”))), “,”, “|”, 3)&”|||”), len(A3), “”) excel-2016textjoin solution: ‘for a CSV of all matches input as array formula … Read more

[Solved] How to use VBA in Google Sheets to highlight cells with special characters and uppercase letters?

I don’t think you need scripts. You could use conditional formatting. It seems the only reason you’re using VBA is because you need REGEX, which Microsoft excel doesn’t support except through VBA. Google Sheets however has REGEX support inbuilt. … highlights all Cells in Range C1 to E10000 which contain anything else than lowercase a–z, … Read more

[Solved] Google calendar sync with google spreadsheet

The calendar id is declared on line 8 var calendarId = ‘bora-bora.dk_is0cr9ibe4thrs4mkqghvudrrk@group.calendar.google.com’; It is called by two functions: 1 = syncFromCalendar on line 223. Synchronize from calendar to spreadsheet. var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId); 2 = syncToCalendar on line 307. Synchronize from spreadsheet to calendar. var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId); The goal is to call the calendar … Read more

[Solved] How can I make the following code move information into two columns instead of one in google sheets?

I believe your goal is as follows. You want to copy the cell “B” to “BW” when the cell “BY” is edited to 1. You want to run the script by a trigger. In this case, how about the following modification? Modified script: Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor and … Read more

[Solved] Vlookup all the values matching the search term instead of just one.

With Google Sheets use Query: =QUERY(A:A,”select A where A contains “”” & B3 &””””) Since you have the Excel tag use this formula for excel: =IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW($A$2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(“ZZZ”,A:A)))/(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($B$3,$A$2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(“ZZZ”,A:A))))),ROW(1:1))),””) Copy/drag it down sufficient for your needs. 5 solved Vlookup all the values matching the search term instead of just one.

[Solved] Google Apps Script: Sheets Forms Data Manipulation, Deleting Rows if Certain Cells are Blank, while Maintaining Certain Columns

Tanaike’s code is a work of art, but I think it is based on an assumption that you would only run the script once. You’ve said that users will fill out a Google Form. You then manipulate this so that rows with identical columns will be transferred to one column. But ironically you then disassemble … Read more