[Solved] Identify and output first and last records by group [closed]

If able to sort by date within task and to ensure that any subsequent sheet starts at a new task and the last ColumnB and ColumnC values on each sheet are repeated in the row immediately below, a formula might suit: =IF(A1<>A2,A1&”|”&VLOOKUP(A1,A:B,2,0)&”|”&C1&”|”&B2-VLOOKUP(A1,A:B,2,0),””) with the columns where the formula output is evident filtered to exclude blanks, … Read more

[Solved] Vlookup all the values matching the search term instead of just one.

With Google Sheets use Query: =QUERY(A:A,”select A where A contains “”” & B3 &””””) Since you have the Excel tag use this formula for excel: =IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW($A$2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(“ZZZ”,A:A)))/(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($B$3,$A$2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(“ZZZ”,A:A))))),ROW(1:1))),””) Copy/drag it down sufficient for your needs. 5 solved Vlookup all the values matching the search term instead of just one.