[Solved] Google Maps Marker giving a null reference on Android [duplicate]

Based on the logcat output that you have provided, the first thing you need to address is the fact that your mMap variable is null. My guess is that you’re either calling displayLocation() before the onMapReady(…) callback has fired, or your class isn’t equipped to handle the callback at all. If you’re using the Google … Read more

[Solved] I’ve number of latitude and longitude in array. I want to display multiple markers in Google Map [closed]

First integrate Google Maps with the your app Google Maps iOS SDK Then try to add marker to the map Adding a Map with a Marker var marker = GMSMarker() marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: -33.86, longitude: 151.20) marker.title = “Sydney” marker.snippet = “Australia” marker.map = mapView Finally use for loop to add multiple markers to the … Read more

[Solved] How to show labels with direction on google map api

One option would be to create that <div> as a custom control, create the links for “View larger map” and “Directions” by sending the user to Google Maps. proof of concept fiddle code snippet: google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, ‘load’, init); var lat = 25.2091043; var lng = 55.2725799; function init() { var mapOptions1 = { zoom: 18, center: … Read more