[Solved] For more details see: ’go help gopath’

Try: mkdir -p $GOPATH/bin The error you’re seeing is the installation directory doesn’t exist, so install can’t do anything. Also, there’s a typo here: export GOPATH=”/Users/skan/Documetns/study/golang” So, same reasoning, but, try Documents solved For more details see: ’go help gopath’

[Solved] Golang – Add int to end of byte array

You want a space-padded ascii representation of a number as bytes? fmt.Sprintf produces a string, which you can then convert to bytes. Here’s some code, or run it on the playground. package main import “fmt” func main() { bs := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(“%2d”, 7)) fmt.Println(bs) } 0 solved Golang – Add int to end of byte array

[Solved] Explain:function returns same function in go

The key is in this function: func fib(x int) int { if x < 2 { return x } return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) } If x<2 the function returns immediately, if not it retrieves the result from a call to fib with a smaller value of x For recursive calls there are the 3 Laws … Read more

[Solved] How difficult is it to compile the Go programming language?

Did you take a look at the Go tutorial at http://golang.org/doc/go_tutorial.html Here’s how to compile and run our program. With 6g, say, $ 6g helloworld.go # compile; object goes into helloworld.6 $ 6l helloworld.6 # link; output goes into 6.out $ 6.out Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界 $ With gccgo it looks … Read more

[Solved] Where does Go web server look for the files

It looks in the path you specify in your http.Dir expression. /public in your case. Most likely you don’t have a path called /public on your system (since this is a non-standard directory path on all OSes I’m familiar with, and I suspect you haven’t created it). Change /public to match the path where you … Read more

[Solved] How can I compare pointers in Go?

Is it guaranteed that the order of the pointers remains the same? (For example, I can imagine some GC trickery which also reorders the data.) In answer to this part of your question, it doesn’t look like it. See pkg unsafe linked below. If you want the memory address of a pointer, try the unsafe … Read more

[Solved] How do Print and Printf differ from each other in Go?

As per docs Print: will print number variables, and will not include a line break at the end. Printf: will not print number variables, and will not include a line break at the end. Printf is for printing formatted strings. And it can lead to more readable printing. For more detail visit this tutorial. solved … Read more

[Solved] Tell me what’s wrong with this code GOLANG

Actually the code in question works on unix systems, but usually the problem is that calls like fmt.Scanf(“%f”, &x1) does not consume newlines, but quoting from package doc of fmt: Scanning: Scan, Fscan, Sscan treat newlines in the input as spaces. And on Windows the newline is not a single \n character but \r\n, so … Read more