[Solved] Are these php functions correct? [closed]

Please check the below code, what wrong you did are commented in code:- <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); // check all error including warning and notice error too ini_set(‘display_errors’,1); // display errors function add($x,$y) { $result= $x+$y; return $result; } // ; not needed $number1= $_POST[‘n_1’]; $number2= $_POST[‘n_2’]; echo $number1.” + “.$number2.” = “.add($number1,$number2);// using “ is wrong … Read more

[Solved] Why is my contact form taking me to contact.php rather than sending an email to me? [closed]

It sounds like your server is not processing PHP correctly. There’s nothing wrong with your HTML form, assuming contact.php is indeed the action page you want – you just need to get your server/computer to handle PHP properly. Check this answer for more info. solved Why is my contact form taking me to contact.php rather … Read more

[Solved] Windows form button displays textbox and enter name to create new button [closed]

Unfortunately there is no InputMessageBox in C#. But you can reference “Microsoft.VisualBasic” and dann using the Interaction.InputBox. using Microsoft.VisualBasic; // Click-Event private void btn_GetName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string btnTxt = Interaction.InputBox(“Title”, “Message”, “defaultValue”, 10, 10); Button button1 = new Button(); button1.Location = new Point(20, 10); button1.Text = btnTxt; this.Controls.Add(button1); } This is a really … Read more

[Solved] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{‘ in C:\wamp\www\reg.php [closed]

$requiredfields = (“firstname”,”lastname”,”password1″,”password2″,”gender”); This line is invalid. You should have the keyword array before the (. In general, use a code editor that has bracket matching. This would help you find missing )}] and extra ({[ more easily. Some even include HTML tag matching in a similar way. http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ is a good example. solved Parse … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong in this JavaScript code?

I have to agree with comments above, not sure what you’re doing but…the problem is that a submit handler is a function not the string you’re assigning, this: subBut.onclick = (document.getElementById(‘helllo’).innerHTML=(submi(document.getElementById(‘user’).value, document.getElementById(‘passw’).value))); should be: subBut.onclick = function() { document.getElementById(‘helllo’).innerHTML= submi(document.getElementById(‘user’).value, document.getElementById(‘passw’).value); return false; //for testing, prevent form submission }; You can test the updated version … Read more

[Solved] javascript follow html input fields [closed]

If you use the jquery library you can use the .mousemove(handler) function which looks something like this $( “#target” ).mousemove(function( event ) { var msg = “Handler for .mousemove() called at “; msg += event.pageX + “, ” + event.pageY; $( “#log” ).append( “<div>” + msg + “</div>” ); }); Target is the id of … Read more

[Solved] Syntax error unexpected ‘

You are not closing the last else block else { $SenderAddress= “$Sender <$Email>”; $Headers= “From: $SenderAddress\nCC: $SenderAddress\n”; // Substitute your own email address for // [email protected] $result = mail (“[email protected]”, $Subject, $Message, $Headers); if ($result) echo “<p>Your message has been sent. Thank you, ” . $Sender . “.</p>\n”; else echo “<p>There was an error sending … Read more

[Solved] How to create more form fields by using javascript and then passing values to PHP

maybe something like this: var totalFields = <?=$total_fields?>; var currentFields = 0; var addMode = document.getElementById(‘addMore’); var form = docuement.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)[0]; addMore.onclick = function() { if (currentFields >= totalFields) { return false; } var newField = document.createElement(‘input’); newField.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘file’); newField.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘file’+currentFields); form.appendChild(newField); currentFields++ } and then <? foreach ($_FILES as $file) { // i guess you … Read more

[Solved] How to generate pdf with defined forms in php?

You are loading the contents of a static HTML file so you could put place holders within the html… <h1>%title_placeholder%</h1> and then use file get_contents $html = file_get_contents(“my_file.html”); and replace the placeholders with your form data $html = str_replace(“%title_placeholder%”, $_POST[‘title’], $html); then write your new string to mPDF solved How to generate pdf with defined … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to use html buttons to add text or number values to an input field using javascript [closed]

This help you : <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <input id=”text” type=”text”><br> <button id=”seven” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>7</button> <button id=”eight” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>8</button> <button id=”nine” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>9</button> <br> <button id=”four” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>4</button> <button id=”five” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>5</button> <button id=”six” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>6</button> <br> <button id=”one” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>1</button> <button id=”two” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>2</button> <button id=”three” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>3</button> <br> <button id=”cancel” type=”button” onclick=c()>C</button> … Read more

[Solved] Javascript – verify empty inputs

you have an error in your code, there is one closing bracket too much change if (document.form[‘form’][‘name’].value != “” && document.form[‘form’][‘city’].value != “” )) { to if (document.form[‘form’][‘name’].value != “” && document.form[‘form’][‘city’].value != “” ) { 1 solved Javascript – verify empty inputs