[Solved] Pass a variable through the url bar with PHP to a form [closed]

Your get Variable is wrong. You should also check if the get variable is set. <?php require ‘core.inc.php’; if (isset($_GET[‘id’]) { $id = $_GET[‘id’] if (isset($_POST[‘delete’])) { $answer = $_POST[‘decision’]; if ($answer == ‘yes’) { echo ‘user deleted’; } } echo ‘<h1>Are you sure you want to delete ‘.$id.’?</h1> <form name =”form1″ method =”POST” action … Read more

[Solved] How to copy the selected value from one form input field to another form input field

Here is another way, without jQuery: <script> function update(){ let updateValue = document.getElementById(“name”).value; document.getElementById(“name2″).value = updateValue; } </script> <form action=”/new” method=”POST” > <input list=”name” type=”text” name=”name” id=”name” onchange=”update()”> <datalist id=”name”> <option value=”Hello”> <option value=”Hi”> </datalist> <button>Submit</button> </form> <form action=”/new1″ method=”POST”> <input type=”text” name=”name” id=”name2″ value=”name” > </form> 1 solved How to copy the selected value … Read more

[Solved] Necessary To Subscribe My Youtube Channel [closed]

Without more information we are left to guess at what would help your situation. In order to process something like this, you’re most likely going to need a stronger, more processed language to work alongside HTML such as PHP, .NET, JavaScript or one of the many other choices. Your <form>‘s processing will need to pass … Read more

[Solved] sql stores text string as “Array”

It’s normal. When you do : $codering = [‘RF-013.12’]; Is same as : $codering = array(‘RF-013.12’); So if you try to use your array like string, php write array instead. If you wanna store [something] (a string with [] character) you need : $codering = “[something]”; If you realy need to store an array, ou … Read more

[Solved] Form ajax group label and value on submit

After submit run a loop and build your array. For example: var arr = []; $(form).find(‘input[name=”product”]’).each(function(index,element){ arr.push({ ‘label’: $(element).parent().find(‘label’).text(), ‘value’:$(element).val() }); }); solved Form ajax group label and value on submit

[Solved] Insert form into database [closed]

You need inputs on your form: <form action=”insert.php” method=”post”> Username: <input type=”text” name=”username”> Password: <input type=”password” name=”password”> Confirm Password: <input type=”password” name=”confirm”> <input type=”submit” name=”submit”> </form> Then on insert.php if (isset($_POST[‘submit’])){ $Error = 0; if (!isset($_POST[‘username’])){ $Error++; } if (!isset($_POST[‘password’])){ $Error++; } if (!isset($_POST[‘confirm’])){ $Error++; } if ($Error > 0){ echo “Error in HTML Validation”; … Read more

[Solved] c# faster way to read all textboxes/labels [closed]

You can create an array with the references to the labels: Label[] labels = { eLabel1, eLabel2, eLabel3, … }; Producing an array with the texts from the labels would be a one-liner: string[] values = labels.Select(l => l.Text).ToArray(); solved c# faster way to read all textboxes/labels [closed]

[Solved] Cannot POST all form fields [closed]

Based on the paste in http://pastebin.com/0whCYxuE To fix your issue: Add the following as current line 30 echo ‘</form>’; And follow up suggestion is to remove line 28 and just utilize $_SESSION[‘user’] 2 solved Cannot POST all form fields [closed]

[Solved] Maintaining state of a program

This is not black magic. The answer is by saving its data. You do this by putting it in a database, or writing data files. The trick is to write your programs in a way that makes it easy to guarantee that you’ve restored the state you thought you saved. A common approach is to … Read more

[Solved] Back to the form with back button

It is default browser functionality ,you can change the setting using PHP only. You can use these syntax in your PHP config file before the session start: <?php session_cache_limiter (‘private, must-revalidate’); $cache_limiter = session_cache_limiter(); session_cache_expire(60); // in minutes ?> Now it will be not ask to re-submission the form. 0 solved Back to the form … Read more

[Solved] How to pass radio button value with php [closed]

Quick’n dirty solution : <?php $checked=isset($_POST[“radio”]) && $_POST[“radio”]===”oneway”?”checked”:””; ?> <input type=”radio” name=”radio” id=”oneway” value=”oneway” <?php echo $checked;?> /> but actually you should separate logic from template using a template engine like smarty or twig or mustache or whatever… 1 solved How to pass radio button value with php [closed]