[Solved] How to add referral program in flutter using firebase [closed]

You need firebase_dynamic_links to implement a referral program, For more information visit official page How Create Dynamic Link? final DynamicLinkParameters parameters = DynamicLinkParameters( uriPrefix: ‘https://abc123.app.goo.gl’, link: Uri.parse(‘https://example.com/’), androidParameters: AndroidParameters( packageName: ‘com.example.android’, minimumVersion: 125, ), iosParameters: IosParameters( bundleId: ‘com.example.ios’, minimumVersion: ‘1.0.1’, appStoreId: ‘123456789’, ), googleAnalyticsParameters: GoogleAnalyticsParameters( campaign: ‘example-promo’, medium: ‘social’, source: ‘orkut’, ), itunesConnectAnalyticsParameters: ItunesConnectAnalyticsParameters( providerToken: … Read more

[Solved] Android Frebase User Data Retrieve [closed]

In your Database Reference make sure you are having the correct path to the data your are retrieving, like DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child(“your/path/to/data”); ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { //making sure snapshot consists some data if (dataSnapshot.exists()) { //do your stuff User userDashboard = dataSnapshot.getValue(User.class); USERNAME.setText(userDashboard.getName().toString().trim()); PASSWORD.setText(userDashboard.getPassword().toString().trim()); EMAIL.setText(userDashboard.getEmail().toString().trim()); } } @Override … Read more

[Solved] Firebase Error : Failed to resolve : com.google.firebase:firebase-database:16.0.6 [closed]

In order to add firebase-database to your application, you also need to add the firebase-core libraries (which you commented out). app/build.gradle dependencies { // … implementation ‘com.google.firebase:firebase-core:16.0.6′ } If you haven’t done so, you also need to add rules to include Google services and Google’s Maven repository. Please read Add Firebase to Your Android Project … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong in this code for firebase database? [closed]

You need to change this line of code: mDatabaseReference.child(“drivers”).child(userid).toString() != userid || mDatabaseReference.child(“parents”).child(userid).toString() != useremail) { with mDatabaseReference.child(“drivers”).child(userid).getRef().toString() != userid || mDatabaseReference.child(“parents”).getRef().child(userid).toString() != useremail) { As you probably see, i have added the getRef() method to actually get the reference. Hope it helps. 7 solved What’s wrong in this code for firebase database? [closed]

[Solved] Xcode Warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file [closed]

Just needed: Create temporary info.plist somewhere in the depths of your project and… Go to Pods -> FirebaseCore (and each others) -> General -> Identity -> Choose info.plist file… for each module with warnings. 1 solved Xcode Warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file [closed]

[Solved] Why my Firebase Realtime Database is only saving 1 user [closed]

Firebase allows to store information of multiple users in firebase realtime database but only as authenticated users. I think you have not signout from your first user. That is why, its saving only one user. Have you created a signout button and have you done something like this : FirebaseAuth mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance(); mAuth.signOut(); 9 … Read more

[Solved] Item gets duplicated in adapter, when we delete or update item from Firebase Realtime Database

This Solution work for me : This code will remove last item in adapter after performing deletion operation in firebase realtime database. mAcceptedList.removeAt(adapterPosition); mShortlistProfileAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() override fun onItemClicked( adapterPosition: Int, mUserListProfile: ArrayList<UserProfile> ) { mShortlistedProfileVM?.deleteUserProfile(mUserListProfile.get(adapterPosition)) mAcceptedList.removeAt(adapterPosition); mShortlistProfileAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } } To Prevent item gets duplicated. Clear your list before adding data into list. mAcceptedList.clear() <—add this line … Read more

[Solved] Background Processing in Swift

Despite getting downvoted, I still think my solution may be useful to someone new to notifications in iOS development. I switched from local notifications to push notifications setting my remote flask application to handle all the background processing and notification sending with firebase: Follow this tutorial to set your app for receiving push notifications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34kvGKdPN2k … Read more

[Solved] Firebase: how to add timestamp to database in firestore – where react context api is used

To hopefully help you with server timestamp I have modified the simple react-firebase-hook app created as an answer for this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60504303/610053 I’ve updated my Firebase class with an extra method called serverTimestamp: class Firebase { constructor() { app.initializeApp(firebaseConfig); this.realtimedb = app.database(); this.firestore = app.firestore(); this.serverTimestamp = app.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp; } } const FirebaseContext = React.createContext(null); const … Read more

[Solved] how to retrieve all the keys in firebase android

All You have to do is do a nested query .! first find key of parent then get pass that key to next query and then find its children.! List<user> userList=new ArrayList(); mdatabaseRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { for (DataSnapshot child: dataSnapshot.getChildren()){ String key = child.getKey(); fun(key); } private void fun(String key){ … Read more

[Solved] How can I subscribe to many NEST devices from many different users using a single Node.JS server

Firebase engineer here, The problem with this current approach is that Nest currently only allows a single token to authenticate at a time, and since Firebase clients cache authentication state once authenticated, in order to do this in a single process on one of said servers, you would have to auth, perform the operation, then … Read more

[Solved] Only the last element is shown in Firebase database

What your code doing is just replacing the current text in the TextView with the factdata.getFactDetail(). For example you have 3 elements 1, 2, and 3. Then you want to display the element inside the TextView. With your code, this is what happen First iteration: element = elements[0]; // element = 1 factViewBox.setText(element); // TextView … Read more

[Solved] New page for every user [closed]

You should use Sessions for each user and one the bases of Session value you must populate values for the user each user will have seperate details and each user will have different data page will be same but data will be different so user feels that he has a new page solved New page … Read more