[Solved] How to sort numeric value in file

To read a file of “lines” in Java you can use the Files class like this: final List<String> l = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(“/some/path/input.txt”)); This reads a file and stores each line in a List. When you have the List of String objects you can use a simple Comparator and the Collections.sortmethod. Check this code out: final List<String> … Read more

[Solved] How to find that a text file contains a specific paragraph in c#.net

Here is a very basic implementation of what you’re looking for. There are vast improvements to be made. /// <summary> /// Finds the text files that contain paragraph. /// </summary> /// <param name=”paragraph”>The paragraph to check for.</param> /// <param name=”textFilePaths”>A list of paths to text files to check.</param> /// <returns></returns> List<string> FindFilesWithParagraph(string paragraph, List<string> textFilePaths) … Read more

[Solved] segmentation fault filing sleep function

The else branch of the if(fsize==0) conditional in csvwrite() does not fclose(fe). There is a limit on the number of files that can be opened by any one process at once; if you call this enough times, you’ll hit the limit, and the next fopen() will return NULL (and errno will be set to EMFILE … Read more

[Solved] Replacing a certain word in a text file

If you don’t care about memory usage: string fileName = @”C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Programming Files\story.txt”; File.WriteAllText(fileName, File.ReadAllText(fileName).Replace(“tea”, “cabbage”)); If you have a multi-line file that doesn’t randomly split words at the end of the line, you could modify one line at a time in a more memory-friendly way: // Open a stream for the source file using (var … Read more

[Solved] How to remove unknown line break (special character) in text file?

The character you have in your file is the form-feed character usually used as control character for a page break. In UltraEdit in Page Setup configuration dialog (a printing related dialog) there is the option Page break code which has by default the decimal value 12 (hexadecimal 0C) which is the form-feed character. A page … Read more

[Solved] Reading a specific column from a text file in C# [closed]

You haven’t given much details on the format of the file. Just to get you started, you can try something like(using System.Text.RegularExpressions): File.ReadLines(“path”).Sum( line => int.Parse(Regex.Match(line, @”Hours:\s(\d+)”).Groups[1].Value)) solved Reading a specific column from a text file in C# [closed]

[Solved] iOS write to a txt [duplicate]

Try this: -(void)bestScore{ if(cptScore > bestScore){ bestScore = cptScore; highScore.text =[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @” %.d”, bestScore]; NSString *filePath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@”Library/Preferences/bestScore.txt”]; NSString *test = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%@”,bestStore]; NSError *error; // save a new file with the new best score into ~/Library/Preferences/bestScore.txt if([test writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]) { // wrote to file successfully NSLog(@”succesfully wrote file to … Read more

[Solved] Reading local file in javascript [duplicate]

The answer is not really, no. BUT there are some workarounds, depending on what you can get away with (supported browsers, etc) When you grab a local file (I’m assuming you’re using <input type=”file”>, rather than partially supported, unstandardized methods), you get a “change” event to subscribe to, but that change reflects the change in … Read more

[Solved] Reading Multiple lines(different lengths) from file in c

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef int Type; typedef struct vector { size_t size; size_t capacity; Type *array; } Vector; Vector *vec_make(void){ Vector *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if(v){ v->size = 0; v->capacity=16; v->array = malloc(v->capacity * sizeof(Type)); } return v; } void vec_free(Vector *v){ free(v->array); free(v); } void vec_add(Vector *v, Type value){ v->array[v->size++] = value; … Read more

[Solved] Writing to another text file and more?

import random import time adding = input(“Enter Name: “) with open(“settings.txt”, “a+”) as f: f.write(‘\n’.join(i for i in adding.split() if len(adding.split(” “))>1 else adding)) data = a.readlines() for line in data: print (line) time.sleep(10) Try this. This prompts the user for input, splits that input across whitespace (so if I enter “Adam D. Smith” it … Read more