[Solved] What does the HTML5 Local Storage object return if there is no value? [closed]

localStorage.getItem will return null for keys that are unset: The getItem(key) method must return the current value associated with the given key. If the given key does not exist in the list associated with the object then this method must return null. Source: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webstorage.html#dom-storage-getitem 2 solved What does the HTML5 Local Storage object return if … Read more

[Solved] Multiple ajax calls in jquery

If the number of ajax calls made are constant,You can use the following logic COUNTER=5; function reduceCounter(){ COUNTER –; if(COUNTER == 0) { localStorage.Obj=JSON.stringify(Obj); location.href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33031287/nextPage.html”; } In each of your ajax calls , call reduceCounter() at .always(); eg: $.ajax({ url: .. type: ‘GET’, dataType: ‘json’, }) .done(){… //set Obj }, .fail(){… },.always(){ reduceCounter(); } solved … Read more

[Solved] Reading local file in javascript [duplicate]

The answer is not really, no. BUT there are some workarounds, depending on what you can get away with (supported browsers, etc) When you grab a local file (I’m assuming you’re using <input type=”file”>, rather than partially supported, unstandardized methods), you get a “change” event to subscribe to, but that change reflects the change in … Read more