[Solved] Producing a Java program for other systems

You can pack your application in a .jar, actually a zip file with inside .class files and resource files. Those resource files, like your images, can be taken with getClass().getResource(“path/x.png”) or getResourceAsStream. The path is either package relative or absolute: “/abc/def.jpg”. These resources must be read-only (as they are inside the .jar). However you may … Read more

[Solved] Convert text date format to date format

Sub datestuff() myDate = “22nd July 2016″ myDateArray = Split(myDate, ” “) myDateArray(0) = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(myDateArray(0), “st”, “”), “nd”, “”), “rd”, “”), “th”, “”)) myDate = DateValue(Join(myDateArray, ” “)) Debug.Print myDate ‘ outputs ’22/07/2016’ End Sub Seems to me the main issue is the day part; handle that and the rest will be simple enough? solved … Read more

[Solved] VB.net get date from string [closed]

@Pᴇʜ Regex pattern shared in the comment works perfectly per your examples. Here is how to use it with an in cell function. Don’t Forget to add the reference to “Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5“ Function simpleCellRegex(Myrange As Range) As String Dim regEx As New RegExp Dim strPattern As String Dim strInput As String Dim … Read more

[Solved] Excel Grouping (or using SQL) [closed]

” So created a SQL report to generate data that looks like this:” The reason for your downvotes is likely due to you not posting the SQL code here. Leaves me guessing at your table formats, so for my ease… select * from mytable is what I’ll guess you’ve used. I’m left guessing column names … Read more

[Solved] VBA MsgBox ‘Liability Disclaimer’?

Here is what I usually do. I do not use a Msgbox. The reason is very simple. Sometimes I need to show lot of information in the Disclaimer. However if you still need to use a MsgBox then adapt it from below. Do this Insert a UserForm as shown in the image below. Place a … Read more

[Solved] Whats wrong with this VB code? [closed]

Change the first line to: Function nameTonumber(name As String) As Integer Above End Function add: nameTonumber=number ‘If you are using VB6. return number ‘If you are using VB.NET 0 solved Whats wrong with this VB code? [closed]

[Solved] Import data from an API link that contains JSON to EXCEL [closed]

First of all you need to examine the structure of the JSON response, using any online JSON viewer (e. g. http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/), where you can see that your JSON object contains atletas array, clubes, posicoes, status, time objects, and several properties with scalar values: Going further there are objects within atletas array, each of them contains … Read more

[Solved] Automation email in Excel

You should be able to handle basic VBA usage in order to achieve this. Below is the VBA code that sends an Outlook e-mail message for Office 2000-2016. Source is http://www.rondebruin.nl You may put the code in the SelectionChange event of the requested cell(s) and change the Body, SendTo etc. portions according to your needs. … Read more

[Solved] How to access a part of an element from a list?

You need to iterate on the list and retrieve the good properties on each. values = [[Decoded(data=b’AZ:HP7CXNGSUFEPZCO4GS5RQPY6XY’, rect=Rect(left=37, top=152, width=94, height=97))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:9475EFWZCNARPEJEZEMXDFHIBI’, rect=Rect(left=32, top=191, width=90, height=88))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:6ECWZUQGEJCR5EZXDH9URCN53M’, rect=Rect(left=48, top=183, width=88, height=89))], [Decoded(data=b’AZ:XZ9P6KTDGREM5KIXUO9IHCTKAQ’, rect=Rect(left=73, top=121, width=91, height=94))]] datas = [value[0].data for value in values] # list of encoded string (b”) datas = [value[0].data.decode() for value in … Read more

[Solved] Do While Loop for SKU numbers

No need to use the Do Loop. Find the last row and then use a For loop. Is this what you are trying? Sub Sample() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lRow As Long, i As Long ‘~~> Change this to the relevant sheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Sheet2”) With ws ‘~~> Find last row lRow = … Read more