[Solved] Vigenere Cipher logic error

There are several problems with your code: You’re error checking isn’t correct. You check if(argc!=2||!apha) after you’ve already evaluated strlen(argv[1]) — by then it’s too late! Check the validity of argc before accessing argv and don’t double up the argument count error and alphabetic key error, they’re independent. Also, error messages should go to stderr, … Read more

[Solved] C – Is there a way to leave a variable unchanged outside of the loop?

You may be looking for the declaration of additional blocks as in #include<stdio.h> int main() { int i=1; printf(“before %d\n”,i); { int i=0; printf(“within %d\n”,i); } printf(“after %d\n”,i); return(0); } which when executed yields before 1 within 0 after 1 From the comment I grasp that a function invocation may be preferable which may be … Read more

[Solved] Why does the error keep stating incompatible integer to pointer in C for an array?

Based on the phrasing of your question, I’m guessing that you are unfamiliar with the concept of pointers. In C, pointer is a type that stores the memory address of another variable. The & operator retrieves the memory address of a variable. int i = 4; // < An integer variable equal to 4 int* … Read more

[Solved] Got stuck with Caesar.c

A function to caesar an alphabetic char should be like (decomposed in elementary steps): int caesar_lower(int c,int key) { int v = c-‘a’; // translate ‘a’–‘z’ to 0–25 v = v+key; // translate 0–25 to key–key+25 v = v%26; // translate key–key+25 to key–25,0–key-1 v = v+’a’; // translate back 0–25 to ‘a’–‘z’ return v; … Read more

[Solved] The function is not returning in clang

Actually, the function returns a value. Maybe you want to see it, so just print the result: #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> int calcrectarea(int len,int wid){ return len*wid; } int main(){ printf(“enter length here:\n”); int x; scanf(“%d”,&x); printf(“enter width here:\n”); int y; scanf(“%d”, &y); printf(“area is: %d”, calcrectarea(x,y)); } solved The function is not returning in … Read more

[Solved] Can any one please help me what wrong with this code? [closed]

Ok, you dynamically allocate 10 bytes. Then you make the “name” variable (a char pointer) point to that dynamically allocated block. Then you make a char pointer which points to the same dynamically allocated block that “name” points to. Then you “free(name)” which deallocates the block that “tmp_name” also points to. “name” and “tmp_name” both … Read more