[Solved] How To Make Chat Bot In Batch [closed]

search for keywords instead of full phrases: @echo off :loop set /p input=”> ” echo %input%|find /i “hi” >nul && echo Hello. echo %input%|find /i “your name” >nul && echo My name is Rob. What’s yours? echo %input%|find /i “my name is” >nul && echo That’s a nice name. echo %input%|find /i “wheather” >nul && … Read more

[Solved] Java Chat Client.. using .add methood [closed]

Use ListModel if you want to change the content of a JList dynamically. DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel(); JList list = new JList(listModel); listModel.addElement(“item”); listModel.addElement(“another item”); 4 solved Java Chat Client.. using .add methood [closed]

[Solved] How do I add two view types in a Recycler adapter? I want to make a Android Chatting App [closed]

You should use getItemViewType() of the RecyclerView.Adapter. Return different values for different views in that callback. You will receive that value in viewType of onCreateViewHolder callback. Inflate different layouts based on the viewType. solved How do I add two view types in a Recycler adapter? I want to make a Android Chatting App [closed]

[Solved] How to make socket chat in C++?

yes it is possible. You could use a library like Boos.Asio which has an example of chat in its documentation : http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/chat/posix_chat_client.cpp (client part) 0 solved How to make socket chat in C++?